The creator of the Sordid Lives franchise and writer/director/producer of Southern Baptist Sissies, Blues for Willadean and Queer Is Folk is back with all new hysterical, sordid stories. This time, Shores discusses returning to the world of dating after divorce. Tinder, Grindr, Scruff, OkCupid, a litany of bad dates and the trials and tribulations of being on the prowl again when you are a "minor gay celebrity".
In SINgularly Sordid, Shores also poses the question - "Did my movie Sordid Lives really influence six different women to super-glue their cheating boyfriends and husband's... um, members, to their stomachs?"
And of course, Shores shares more letters from the haters and his P.S.F.U. responses. Also, he has some new celebrity dish on Dolly Parton, George Lopez, Leslie Jordan and more. The censors will be absent and if you are easily offended - Shores warns, "Stay home!"
Performance Dates: Friday - June 24, 2016 - 8:00pm
TICKETS - $25 each - available online at ---- and proceeds benefit FACILITY DEVELOPMENT FUND