Drama Learning Center is pleased to announce auditions for DLC's Teen Professional Company, Teaching Young Actors, and their production of Fame.
Audition Dates/Times (by appointment only):
Wednesday, September 23, 3:30-7:00
Thursday, September 24, 3:30-5:30
Callbacks - Monday, September 28 at 4:30
Eligible Grades: 8-12
To Audition:
1. Call 410-997-9352 to set up an audition time.
2. Prepare a song of your choice (Sheet Music required) and a 2 minute monologue.
3. Fill out TYA audition form, rehearsal conflict sheet, and read and sign the UPDATED TYA expectation sheet. You will not be able to audition without completed paperwork. Forms can be found at http://www.dramalearningcenter.com/tya.htm
4. Bring the forms to your audition along with a recent picture.
5. Break a leg!
Class/Performance Location:
Drama Learning Center
9130-I Red Branch Rd.
Columbia, MD 21045
About TYA:
Teaching Young Actors is Drama Learning Center's Teen Professional Company. Available by audition only, the TYA class allows students to work in a professional theatre environment as they learn about all aspects of theatrical work. New for Fall 2009, TYA will be accepting Junior Company members. Junior Company is an opportunity for upper-level students with TYA aspirations to further develop skills in audition preparation, harmony signing, character development, and more. Junior Company class will culminate with showcase performances.
Class Times: Saturdays 2-5 pm with select Sunday and Monday evenings for small group work
Class Dates: Sept 26-Jan 9 (no class Nov 28, Dec 26 or Jan 2)
Dress Rehearsals: January 11-14
Shows: Jan 15-23
Cost: $565 ($300 due at first class, balance due Nov 15th)
All schedules subject to change due to the nature of theatrical bookings.
Please be sure to read DLC's Policies regarding attendance and tuition.