The Baltimore Rock Opera Society (BROS) has announced the production of a new, original show for the Halloween season, Lurid Happenings: A Night of Mischief and Devilry, at The Peale Center in Downtown Baltimore. The show will consist of a scripted magic performance, two each night, with a party between them featuring live entertainment.
Lurid Happenings, which is BROS' first original Halloween production, will take place October 26th, 27th, and 28th with a special performance Halloween night. The evening will be book-ended with a scripted magic performance by The Amazing Allerdyce, played by local actor Rex Anderson, and his mentor Sinifredo, played by award-winning magician Lucas Gerace, that will feature extensive audience participation and a number of atmospheric special effects. In typical BROS fashion attendees will also be treated to a party with cocktails, interactive entertainment, and live music from local performers such as Quattracenta and Voodoo Pharmacology. The party will begin after the first performance of the evening and continue through the second performance and is open to audiences of both shows.
"We've done parties for Halloween before and they've included things like interactive performance and bands, but this is the first time BROS will be combining an epic party with a carefully crafted show experience designed to thrill and scare the hell out of our audience," said Aran Keating, BROS artistic director. "It's going to be a really memorable night!"
Showtimes for Lurid Happenings are at 7:30pm and 9:45pm. Tickets are $20 each and available now along with further show information at
About Baltimore Rock Opera Society
The Baltimore Rock Opera Society is a passionate community of artists who create unforgettable experiences through live original rock theater. BROS was founded in 2009 by a small group of friends sitting in a basement dreaming of an impossibly enormous story that would be told through the awesome power of rock. Since that time BROS has become a powerhouse of Baltimore's cultural landscape comprised of a highly energetic group of actors, writers, designers, builders, musicians, and artists with the mission of producing original, live rock operas. Every year thousands of fans flock from the Mid-Atlantic region to witness the performances of the city's most collaborative, creative production troupe. For more information please visit