Auditions for That Pretty Pretty; or, the Rape Play by Sheila Callaghan and Blood-bound and Tongue-tied by Jacqueline E. Lawton will be held on Saturday, November 12 at 6pm.
About That Pretty Pretty: A pair of radical feminist ex-strippers scour the country on a murderous rampage against right-wing pro-lifers, blogging about their exploits in gruesome detail. Meanwhile, a scruffy screenwriter named Owen tries to bang out his magnum opus in a hotel room as his best friend Rodney ("The Rod") holds forth on rape and other manly enterprises. When Owen decides to incorporate the strippers into his screenplay, the boundaries of reality begin to blur, and only a visit from Jane Fonda can help keep worlds from blowing apart. That Pretty Pretty Cast: 2M, 3FRehearsals for That Pretty Pretty will begin early December, 2011. The play will be directed by Jayme Kilburn. The show runs February 3-18, 2012.
About Blood-bound and Tongue-tied: This provocative and poetic adaptation of Oedipus Rex follows Jocasta, an African American woman whose decision to pass for white leads to great love and great devastation in mid-20th century Texas.
Blood-bound and Tongue-tied Cast: 3M, 2FRehearsals for Blood-bound will begin early February, 2012. The Play will be directed by Lindsay Gentry. The show runs March 23-April 7, 2012.
Please come prepared with: A one minute monologue, comedic or dramatic and prepared to read sides as requested by the directors
Walk-ins will be accommodated on a first come - first served basis. Audition slots will be scheduled through Jayme Kilburn: Please email a copy of your resume and headshot to Jayme with your audition slot request. If you are unable to attend auditions, please send an email of interest to Jayme to schedule a separate audition date. Copies of the script are available upon request. Visit for more information.
The Strand Theater is dedicated to providing opportunities for women artists, writers, designers and directors. With a focus on producing original works, the Strand hopes to foster a love of theater for a new generation of patrons.