Ebenezer Scrooge lives in Baltimore in Chesapeake Shakespeare Company's adaptation of A Christmas Carol, the holiday classic "with a Baltimore twist," returning for its fifth season, December 7 - 23, 2018. Catch the Christmas "spirits" with this original adaptation of Charles Dickens's tale of ghostly visitors who lead Scrooge on a journey of second chances. Performances take place at Chesapeake Shakespeare's downtown theater at 7 South Calvert Street, Baltimore, MD 21202. Get ticket information at ChesapeakeShakespeare.com.
Familiar neighborhoods, the waterfront, and the Chesapeake region's diverse cultural traditions - plus more than a dozen holiday songs - share the spotlight in this celebration of Baltimore history and charm. In addition to the singing cast of A Christmas Carol, guest vocalists and community choirs will open the performances on various dates, including Baltimore Musicales, Larksong, The Heart of Maryland Barbershop Chorus, and young soloist Blake Hopkins. Special events include Baltimore's Child magazine's Cookie Party, a preshow Fezziwig Party featuring a signature cocktail by Jack Daniel's, and an audience Sing-along and Wassail Party.
Resident Acting Company Member Gregory Burgess returns in the role of the stingy counting-house owner who learns to be a better person. The theater company's Associate Artistic Director Gerrad Alex Taylor, who portrayed Young Scrooge in 2014, returns this year to direct Ian Gallanar's delightful adaptation. Award-winning costumes by our Resident Costume Designer Kristina Lambdin help set the play in Victorian Baltimore.
This year's Tiny Tims are our ninth and tenth (as we cast two local schoolchildren for the role each year). Ten Tiny Tims (and 50 other Cratchit children), 20 ghosts, more than 100 carols sung, 750 ironed shirts, more than 1,000 quick costume changes...how do you take stock of five "spirited" seasons? Smiles and hearts full of holiday spirit.