Student Blog: Summer Escapades - Scouting Universal Studios, the Beach, and Beyond!August 4, 2022Presenting Days One through Six of my Girl Scout Troop's California Summer Escapades: the first of countless recaps to come. Color-coded and jam-packed, my calendar promised me a June of memories and experiences itching to be explored. I am more than ready to ring in my final year as a Girl Scout! Cheers to the first day of my year of lasts!
Student Blog: Rolling With The Roller Coaster - Storybook EditionMay 5, 2022Against my best attempts, my theatrical roller coaster slowed to a stop. So, instead, if you all don't mind, I'd like to tell you a story... 'Once upon a time, there lived an itty, bitty dragon with glittering red scales and a snout too small for any real fire to erupt.'
Student Blog: Here We Go Again! - Reviving Musical Theatre in Scottsdale, ArizonaMarch 31, 2022COVID-19 covered the world in an oppressive shadow, forcing us inside and alone but these strifes would lead to even greater creations: virtual performances via Zoom, Facetime karaoke nights, and front-row seats to Broadway’s finest from our living room couch. And, I'm proud to announce that this week my school will be performing Mamma Mia!, our first musical since the world shut down. C'mon, Saguaro High School, let's bring down the house!
Student Blog: Stepping Into The Stage-Lights and Shoes Of HistoryFebruary 14, 2022Anne's lasting message and the talkback that followed left each audience, and myself, with a newfound perspective on this crucial time in our history. Anne Frank reminds each of us that we must cling to our ideals and that, in spite of everything, people are truly good at heart. And, in the midst of this pandemic, that is something each of us should do our best to remember.