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Student Blogger: Sabrina Duke


Student Blog: Hello Summer Brain!
Student Blog: Hello Summer Brain!
May 26, 2021

“When I came home, I found myself unable to relax because the idea of not doing schoolwork or worrying about schoolwork or thinking about schoolwork was implausible. Now, a few weeks later, I feel my brain is too relaxed. Writing this 500-word blog has taken an embarrassingly long time, hence the very casual tone and title. Unlike my other blogs, this one simply did not flow.”

Student Blog: Performing Live Again
Student Blog: Performing Live Again
May 17, 2021

'The fact I had forgotten dressing up was a thing made me realize performing live again may not be like riding a bike. I had not performed live in over a year ago, and I had never performed live with a mask. Needless to say, the nerves hit hard.'

Student Blog: Lynn Nottage's 'Sweat': Watching Then Reading
Student Blog: Lynn Nottage's 'Sweat': Watching Then Reading
April 28, 2021

'I had taken Script Analysis before, so I knew there was a difference between reading and watching a play. And yet, as we began our discussions, I wanted so badly to try and make my classmates, none of whom had seen Sweat, understand the affect this play had on me.'

Student Blog: To Use the Mirror, or to Not Use the Mirror Part 2
Student Blog: To Use the Mirror, or to Not Use the Mirror Part 2
April 19, 2021

'I feel like when I see myself in a mirror, I have an appreciation for my body. I’m like 'this is how I do this step, and this is how it looks to other people.'' ~Maggie Steimel

Student Blog: To Use the Mirror, or to Not Use the Mirror Part 1
Student Blog: To Use the Mirror, or to Not Use the Mirror Part 1
March 22, 2021

'I suppose we are very different dancers, so this topic is perhaps something we cannot agree on.'

Student Blog: Dancing with My Roommate
Student Blog: Dancing with My Roommate
March 15, 2021

Sabrina Duke shares what it was like dancing a duet with her roommate during the Covid-19 pandemic.

BWW Blog: My 7 Favorite Snowy Songs to Play on a Snow Day
BWW Blog: My 7 Favorite Snowy Songs to Play on a Snow Day
February 23, 2021

In honor of my snowy environment, I bring you my 7  favorite snowy songs to play on a snow day. 

BWW Blog: Letting Go
BWW Blog: Letting Go
February 4, 2021

My family being in the audience “no matter what” has been a constant in my life

BWW Blog: Shocking, Horrifying, Surprising, and Unbelievably Predictable - Part 2
BWW Blog: Shocking, Horrifying, Surprising, and Unbelievably Predictable - Part 2
January 27, 2021

This is part two of an analysis on The United States Capitol riots.

BWW Blog: Shocking, Horrifying, Surprising, and Unbelievably Predictable - Part 1
BWW Blog: Shocking, Horrifying, Surprising, and Unbelievably Predictable - Part 1
January 18, 2021

My freshman year, I took a class entitled “Performing Power Performing Protest” in which we looked at  famous protests throughout history and the performance like nature of each event that led to their place in the history books.

BWW Blog: A Reaction to “Helen Mirren Believes that Shakespeare Should Not Be Taught in Schools”
BWW Blog: A Reaction to “Helen Mirren Believes that Shakespeare Should Not Be Taught in Schools”
December 8, 2020

My first interaction with Shakespeare was in my Freshman year English class with Mrs. Garver, who is  also the fabulous drama director at my high school. We read Romeo and Juliet.

BWW Blog: Life in Room 661
BWW Blog: Life in Room 661
November 20, 2020

So, for the first question, we will start somewhat general. What is it like to live with two  dance majors? 

BWW Blog: Dance Gala 2020 - It Started and Ended on Zoom
BWW Blog: Dance Gala 2020 - It Started and Ended on Zoom
November 12, 2020

In early September, a group of seven dancers and University of Iowa Assistant Professor Melinda Myers  met on a Zoom call to discuss creating her piece for the virtual performance of Dance Gala 2020

BWW Blog: 8 Tips for a Successful Virtual Acting Class
BWW Blog: 8 Tips for a Successful Virtual Acting Class
October 29, 2020

There was once a time where theatre students across the country had to learn their craft off a computer  screen due to a virus called Covid-19.

BWW Blog: Dorm Dance Days
BWW Blog: Dorm Dance Days
October 15, 2020

When I was a little girl, I, like many other five-year-old dancers, flounced around my parent’s living room  in a tutu like it was my job.
