Olivia is a junior-year Film, Theatre, and Creative Writing student based in Orlando, FL. In her free time, she enjoys watching live theatre, checking new films off her watchlist, and visiting local coffee shops.
As we approach the final week of classes, I can only focus on one thing: summer. Though it’s still April, I’ve recently gravitated towards things that “feel” like summer. So, to get through this last week of class and the subsequent week of finals, I’ve decided to make a sort of “vision board” full of things that have made me most excited for the season, and things that I anticipate filling my summer with.
We’ve officially made it to the point in the school year where “half” can be used to describe both the amount of the semester that has been completed, and the energy we’re putting into our assignments.
For myself and many of my peers, it seems that the mid-semester burnout hits earlier and earlier with every passing year. This year it happened to hit right around the time I was reading my first syllabus; it was like I was already exhausted from the mental image of the semester ahead of me.