Student Blog: Finding the Stage, Not Just the PageMarch 4, 2025Hello y’all! For the next couple of months, I’m shining a light on one of the coolest parts of UC San Diego’s theatre department. Every spring quarter features a culmination of artistry that brings grads and undergrads together from all theatrical disciplines: the Wagner New Play Festival. The engine that revs the festival to life is the cohort of MFA playwrights. Each of them spends fall and winter quarters working on a piece ahead of its world premiere production in the spring. We have five playwrights this year, so this article is the start of a five-part series where I’ll be sitting down for a conversation with each of them. I hope reading these will be half as much fun as I had putting this together.
Student Blog: Saying Yes to the DressFebruary 25, 2025Hello y’all! For the next couple of months, I’m shining a light on one of the coolest parts of UC San Diego’s theatre department. Every spring quarter features a culmination of artistry that brings grads and undergrads together from all theatrical disciplines: the Wagner New Play Festival. The engine that revs the festival to life is the cohort of MFA playwrights. Each of them spends fall and winter quarters working on a piece ahead of its world premiere production in the spring. We have five playwrights this year, so this article is the start of a five-part series where I’ll be sitting down for a conversation with each of them. I hope reading these will be half as much fun as I had putting this together.
Student Blog: Why Do We Sing?February 3, 2025My first show of 2025 is Gone Missing by The Civilians and Michael Friedman. Aysan Celik, an original Civilians member and the wonderful director of this production, brought me aboard for this thrilling project as the assistant music director to musical superhuman Dr. Kyle Blair. At our first rehearsal, Kyle discussed his thoughts about why it is we sing in theater, connecting back to the principles of opera and the overflow of emotion that exceeds what dialogue can hold. I thought I would talk a little more about it.
Student Blog: A Scourge Upon UsJanuary 21, 2025I hate generative AI. I will shout it from the mountaintops, I will shout it from my apartment window, I will shout it into your ear right now. With zero reservations, I think less of people who use sites like ChatGPT to accomplish tasks for them, especially in academic environments. To me, it is utterly shameful and morally disqualifying.
Student Blog: Back on the HorseDecember 30, 2024To me, theater is the coolest thing in the entire world. Perhaps it’s a naive sentiment coming from a college student who does not directly depend on theater as my livelihood, but I have never felt burnt out to the point where I question how much I want to be in another show. There have been a handful of times that I selfishly wished I didn’t have rehearsal so I could have a night in and relax, but after having too many of those kinds of nights, I realized how essential theater is to my bodily function.
Student Blog: What Happened to Theater Etiquette?December 30, 2024Members of an audience all should know that buying a ticket means they have entered an unspoken agreement. They are bound by it to not only invest themselves as fully as possible in the event, but to allow others to do the same. Yet in my experience, there have been far too many incidents where the latter half ends up being violated and I cannot understand why for the life of me.
Student Blog: Opinion: Politics and Art are InseparableDecember 1, 2024One of the worst bad-faith criticisms you can find of anything is the idea that something was “too political” or “had an agenda” and is therefore not something you should engage with. It infuriates me to no end. In addition to being a dog whistle that feels more like a foghorn, it is contradictory to what makes art art.
Student Blog: 100 of What You've GotDecember 1, 2024The past year has been a constant learning experience for me as an artist. I suffered a back injury in November of 2023 that still causes me great pain every day. My time as a performer up until then was done with an able body. Accordingly, the tools for keeping pace with my world are never static and certainly aren’t one-size-fits-all.
Student Blog: There's a LightOctober 29, 2024My first time being involved with a department-run show at UC San Diego would not come until recently, and so as an underclassman, my quarters were spent focused on pursuing student-led theater. To this day, my favorite rehearsal process and show run I’ve ever had the privilege to be part of was The Rocky Horror Show, directed by Danniel Ureña and Roselle Castro.
Student Blog: One More Triton AutumnOctober 29, 2024In July I spent a few days in New York City, and one morning, I had the chance to grab breakfast with a director I admire who graduated from UCSD. About midway through our conversation, she asked me a question so stunningly simple that for a few seconds I had no idea how to answer. “What do you want to do this year?”