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Student Blogger: Emily Scolnick


Student Blog: Giving Thanks for Broadway
Student Blog: Giving Thanks for Broadway
November 27, 2023

There’s another aspect of the parades each year that, although not quite as famous, has had me glued to the TV screen every year since I can remember: the Broadway performances. 

Student Blog: Broadway's Longevity
Student Blog: Broadway's Longevity
November 5, 2023

The fact that a show like Wicked can have such an emotional impact across generations proves that the longevity of Broadway shows as a whole should not and cannot be underestimated.

Student Blog: Staying Well
Student Blog: Staying Well
October 23, 2023

The most important thing is to prioritize yourself and your health, happiness, and well-being. Prioritize what you as a person and a performer need to feel confident and healthy going into a rehearsal, tech week, or performance.

Student Blog: A Week in the Life: Audition Edition
Student Blog: A Week in the Life: Audition Edition
October 1, 2023

Since I’ve gone back to school, my time has been split between classes, writing for my college’s newspaper, and lots and lots of theater. I’m in two productions right now—Legally Blonde and Newsies, also known as arguably two of the most iconic 21st century musicals—and auditions happened to be just a few days apart, making the first week of September a theater-filled week of craziness.

Student Blog: The Importance of Integrity
Student Blog: The Importance of Integrity
September 20, 2023

Here’s my advice to you: maintain your integrity, both academically and in every aspect of your life, including theater.

Student Blog: Theater as a Non-Major
Student Blog: Theater as a Non-Major
August 30, 2023

I wanted theater to be a way for me to escape into another world for a few hours a day, taking on a character and focusing on something that I know I can do and I know I can enjoy, whether that’s a music rehearsal, blocking session, or choreography. 

Student Blog: The Burden of Burnout
Student Blog: The Burden of Burnout
August 21, 2023

I think we’ve all experienced academic burnout at one point or another, but I didn’t appreciate that burnout could extend to a summer job until now. 

Student Blog: A Love Letter to Theater
Student Blog: A Love Letter to Theater
July 31, 2023

There is one thing that is always, always going to be a priority for me. This was the case in high school and remains the case in college, and my hope is that it continues to be a priority as I move into the real world. That thing, as you might have suspected, is theater.

Student Blog: Back to Basics
Student Blog: Back to Basics
July 19, 2023

Here’s a guide to what I’ve learned that helps me keep my life together, even during the busiest of times. Spoiler alert: for the most part, I’ve just gone back to the basics.

Student Blog: Broadway on Tour!
Student Blog: Broadway on Tour!
June 28, 2023

Touring productions make theater more accessible overall: not just geographically, but financially as well. Theaters in major cities and college towns offer rush tickets, student discounts, and giveaways catered to college students who might not get a chance to experience these shows otherwise.

Student Blog: Home for the Summer
Student Blog: Home for the Summer
June 12, 2023

That’s part of what summer is about: family. Whether it be your biological family, the family you find through the cast of a show, or your friends who become your chosen family, you want to spend your summers with people who make you happy.
