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Student Blogger: Brynna Weir

Student Blogger: Brynna Weir

Hi friends! My name is Brynna Weir and I am a current BS Hospitality Management (with a minor in Meetings & Events) student at my local community college! I was accepted to AMDA, but decided that I wanted to explore my first two years at a junior college. I would love to shed light on how you don't need to attend a prestigious (and expensive!) BFA program to further your career and be successful (I abandoned the BFA route altogether)! I love all things theater from sitting in the house, to being on stage, and even keeping up with all of the latest news on BroadwayWorld! I, also, love getting to explore all creative outlets and creative writing is a hobby of mine, outside of performing (fun fact: I was published in the same poetry book as Taylor Swift!). Growing up in the greater Los Angeles area, theatre and the arts was very accessible to me. I'm very familiar with the Los Angeles, Costa Mesa, Thousand Oaks, and various SoCal Regional Theater scenes. I can't wait to bring you all along on my theatre journey and to share my "hot takes". Thanks for stopping by, I hope you stick around! <3

LEARN MORE ABOUT Student Blogger: Brynna Weir

First Show:

Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

Favorite Show:

Newsies The Musical (I’ve seen it 4 times and I don’t plan to stop)!

Favorite Stories:


Student Blog: Be Picky
Student Blog: Be Picky
September 28, 2024

Experience may get you in the room, but talent and what you offer books the role.  You don’t need to audition for everything.

Student Blog: Let It Go
Student Blog: Let It Go
September 25, 2024

Would you keep talking to someone who is having a conversation with another group? Stop searching for approval in a room that doesn’t want to listen or watch.

Student Blog: What I Couldn't Perform Without
Student Blog: What I Couldn't Perform Without
August 5, 2024

One of my favorite things to watch on YouTube and TikTok is rehearsal bag packing; it is, truly, something I will never scroll away from. So, I have compiled a list of my own rehearsal bag necessities and how I pack for tech week!

Student Blog: Firsts & Lasts
Student Blog: Firsts & Lasts
July 9, 2024

What my future is looking like and what that means for my theatre journey. It's exciting, sad, and terrifying.

Student Blog: 'What's Next for You?'
Student Blog: 'What's Next for You?'
July 9, 2024

What I love about this question is that the person asking is wanting to be supportive and excited for you and your passion. What I hate about this question is that it adds another layer of pressure to an already stressful industry.

Student Blog: Rejection Hurts
Student Blog: Rejection Hurts
June 1, 2024

Rejection is never easy. You might think that after a while, it will sting less. Wrong. It will always hurt because you will always mourn the possibilities. After a thousand no's, “no” #1001 will still be hard: hard on your heart, your morale, and your passion.

Student Blog: Integrity is Everything
Student Blog: Integrity is Everything
June 1, 2024

For theatre majors specifically, integrity is what will set you apart. Of course you need to maintain academic integrity; you can’t go about rewriting Shakespeare. When performing, your own integrity, as an actor, is just as important.

Student Blog: INTO THE WOODS Changed My Life
Student Blog: INTO THE WOODS Changed My Life
May 1, 2024

We all have that one show that has been ever present in our lives, whether we recognized it or not. Looking back and seeing all of the touch points has, just maybe, been my favorite part. If the title didn’t give it away (I, sincerely, hope that no one is shocked by this), it's ‘Into the Woods’.

Student Blog: The Dreaded Timeline
Student Blog: The Dreaded Timeline
April 29, 2024

Are you experiencing performer burnout, or are you overwhelmed by expectations? As performers, we’re haunted by the dreaded timeline. Who created it? Why do we all believe it? What even is this timeline?

Student Blog: Your Audition Survival Guide
Student Blog: Your Audition Survival Guide
April 1, 2024

If you’re like me, you always want to put your best foot forward. This is difficult to accomplish when you don’t know where to start. For every article or TikTok that makes sense, there is another one to contradict it. With the help of some industry pros, I have perfected how to survive an audition without anyone knowing it might be your first.

Student Blog: Prioritizing Your Mental & Physical Health
Student Blog: Prioritizing Your Mental & Physical Health
March 30, 2024

Physical health: Without fail, these remedies have gotten me to the functioning level (singing, acting, and dancing) by opening night. Mental health: Putting your efforts towards school or something completely different does not mean you're losing another opportunity (no matter what Macroeconomics and the opportunity-cost says).

Student Blog: A Performer NOT Pursuing a BFA
Student Blog: A Performer NOT Pursuing a BFA
March 4, 2024

Woohoo to semester two! I am, currently, a CCC (California Community College) student with plans to transfer to Cal Poly Pomona. Unlike many of my fellow bloggers, I am not a Theatre Arts major pursuing my BFA. It was a hard decision to not pursue my passion through a degree, but I couldn’t be happier (Thank Goodness!).

Student Blog: The Art of Self-Advertisement
Student Blog: The Art of Self-Advertisement
February 13, 2024

When you are not in the position to be auditioning, no matter the reason, self-advertisement will be your best friend. Social Media has become one of the greatest tools an actor can use. Bonus: casting directors have them, too; you never know when they could stumble across one of your videos. Use the tools you already have and the sky’s the limit!
