BWW Blog: Your Next Good Cry - Over the Moon on NetflixDecember 7, 2020I didn’t expect too much when I first began watching Over the Moon on Netflix. So when a big fluffy dog bit a chunk out of the moon in the first few minutes, I deduced it would be some light entertainment...
BWW Blog: When You Aren't Deemed 'Jewish Enough' - Being a Jewish POCOctober 8, 2020Being Jewish is a part of myself that Ia??ve known since I was little and started as a wee toddler attending Jewish preschool. All my life, Ia??ve been celebrating the holidays and customs, and saying the prayersa?? And yet, all my life, there have been people who refuse to see me as what I am.
BWW Blog: The New Mulan Made Me Cry... And Not in a Good WaySeptember 10, 2020When I first saw the trailer for the new Mulan movie, I cried, because her story was so important to me as a child, and even now. When I watched the new movie, I did cry. I cried a lot. But they werena??t happy tears. They were tears of disappointment and anger.
BWW Blog: My Experience at NYU TischJune 5, 2020The groundedness I felt after voice class, my entire body tingling with sensory awareness and of every acting impulse I had. The freedom of jumping into an impulse at 100%. I realized I had a voice and that I could take up space.