BWW Review: SINGLE BLACK FEMALE at Buriel Clay examines the hardships of finding Mr. Right for two successful, single Black females.October 28, 2019The trials and tribulations of two thirty-something middle class Single Black Females (SBFs) is presented in a series of comedic vignettes in Lisa B. Thompson's 1999 effort that is being simultaneously being produced here and in Ft. Worth, Texas. Starting with the premise that their niche is invisible and ignored, these gals look at their peer images presented in media; Claire Huxtable, Diahann Carrol's Julia, Anita Hill, Condoleezza Rice and of course Oprah and elaborate on how they've attempted to manipulate those stereotypes into a workable model for finding love and fulfilment. Stepping into this feminine racial quagmire, I thought 'what does this gay male audience member have in common'- seems quite a lot. The search for love is universal, irregardless of gender, race and class.