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Roy Berko - Page 42

Roy Berko

Roy Berko, a life-long Clevelander, holds degrees, through the doctorate from Kent State, University of Michigan and The Pennsylvania State University. Roy was an actor for many years, appearing in more than 16 plays, 8 TV commercials, and 3 films. He has directed more than 30 productions. A member of the American Critics Association and The Cleveland Critics Circle, he has been an entertainment reviewer for more than fifty years. For three years he was a regular on Channel 5, ABC-Cleveland's "Morning Exchange" and "Live on 5," serving as the stations communication consultant. He has also appeared on "Good Morning America." Roy served as the Director of Public Relations for the Volunteer Office in the White House during the first Clinton Administration. He was a professor of communication and psychology who taught at George Washington University, University of Maryland, Notre Dame College of Ohio and Towson University. Roy is the author of 38 books. He was selected by Cleveland Magazine as one of the most interesting people in Cleveland.


First Show:

Wonderful Town

Favorite Show:

Chorus Line, Fiddler on The Roof, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, West Side Story, Something Rotten, Pippin

BWW Reviews: NICK & JEREMY - An Electric, Kool-Aid Acid Trip at Cleveland Public Theatre
BWW Reviews: NICK & JEREMY - An Electric, Kool-Aid Acid Trip at Cleveland Public Theatre
March 30, 2013

NICK AND JEREMY is an electric, kool-aid acid trip, minus the drugs, which would make Timothy Leary, the proponent of the use of psychedelic substances and believer in' tune on, tune in, drop out,' very happy. It should be of great interest to deep or pseudo-deep thinkers.

BWW Reviews: GOOD PEOPLE is Funny and Compelling at Cleveland Play House
BWW Reviews: GOOD PEOPLE is Funny and Compelling at Cleveland Play House
March 28, 2013

CPH's GOOD PEOPLE is one of those special evenings of theatre that combines a well-written script, excellent direction, and fine acting into an evening of humor and pathos to create a must-see production.

BWW Reviews: Beck's THE HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES Asks Whether the Whole World is Crazy
BWW Reviews: Beck's THE HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES Asks Whether the Whole World is Crazy
March 24, 2013

'A man's home is his castle, unless it's a zoo' is the banner used to describe author John Guare's THE HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES, which is now confounding audiences at Beck Center for the Arts.

BWW Reviews: SIX DEGREES OF SEPARATION Challenges Audience at Karamu
BWW Reviews: SIX DEGREES OF SEPARATION Challenges Audience at Karamu
March 18, 2013

John Guare, author of SIX DEGREES OF SEPARATION, which is now being staged at Karamu Theatre, is noted for his highly theatrical scripts. His writing often tries to expand the theatre's boundaries, which reflects his attitude that 'the chaotic state of the world demands it.'

BWW Review: FREUD'S LAST SESSION - A Fascinating Look at Belief or Lack of Belief
BWW Review: FREUD'S LAST SESSION - A Fascinating Look at Belief or Lack of Belief
March 9, 2013

FREUD'S LAST SESSION is must-see, fascinating theatre for anyone who is interested in a philosophical, thought laced drama, with laughter and fine acting.

BWW Review: CWRU/Cleveland Play House MFA Students Excel in IDENTITY THEFT
BWW Review: CWRU/Cleveland Play House MFA Students Excel in IDENTITY THEFT
March 9, 2013

IDentity THEFT, SEVEN LIVES FILTERED THROUGH THE IDEAS OF AUGUST STRINDBERG, is fascinating theatre and gave additional proof of the quality of the CWRU/CPH MFA Acting Programs' class of 2014.

BWW Reviews: SISTER ACT Entertaining at Palace, But . . .
BWW Reviews: SISTER ACT Entertaining at Palace, But . . .
March 8, 2013

There have been lots of plays, movies and musicals about nuns. Nuns, who are traditionally known as those fearsome enforcers of strict rules, wielding punishing rulers, and giving lesser human beings the evil eye. The purveyors of such wisdom as 'don't wear patent leather shoes because they reflect up,' 'don't go on a date to a restaurant with white tablecloths because it will remind the boy of bed sheets,' 'red clothing incites passion,' and 'don't wear makeup as it entices the devil.'

BWW Review: Mark Morris Dance - A Contrast of Two Acts at the Palace
BWW Review: Mark Morris Dance - A Contrast of Two Acts at the Palace
March 4, 2013

Mark Morris Dance Group's first Cleveland appearance in five years was a mixed bag. After pleasing the audience with a delightful first act, the tone switched drastically in the second half, which though well presented, was tedious.

BWW Reviews: Well Done NEXT TO NORMAL @ Beck Center
BWW Reviews: Well Done NEXT TO NORMAL @ Beck Center
March 2, 2013

There is a recent trend for Cleveland area professional theatres to couple with local university drama programs. Cleveland Play House has married itself to both Cleveland State University and Case Western Reserve's MFA programs. Cleveland Public Theatre and Oberlin College have such an agreement. The connection between Beck Center and Baldwin Wallace's nationally ranked musical theatre program, has resulted in not only allowing BW students to appear on a professional stage, and the expansion of the acting pool for Beck, but the production several top notch shows.

BWW Review: Verb Ballets at Breen - A Fusion of Asian and Western Choreography
BWW Review: Verb Ballets at Breen - A Fusion of Asian and Western Choreography
March 1, 2013

EXPLORE DISCOVER, Verb Ballet's Winter, 2013 series, was highlighted by the exciting works of Chung-Fu Chang and Richard Dickinson. It was a wonderful illumination of western and eastern modern and balletic dance.

BWW Reviews: EARTH, More Devised Theater at Cleveland Public Theatre
BWW Reviews: EARTH, More Devised Theater at Cleveland Public Theatre
February 28, 2013

Cleveland Public Theatre is noted for championing works by local artists. The theatre's newest offering, EARTH PLAYS (Part Two of the Elements Cycle) invited directors, performers and writers to focus on the themes of the earth and sustainability, using the technique of devised theater.

BWW Reviews: BLITHE SPIRIT, Noel Coward at His Delightful Best
BWW Reviews: BLITHE SPIRIT, Noel Coward at His Delightful Best
February 26, 2013

Noel Coward is noted as being one of the most creative dramatists, writers, composers, lyricist, painters and wit of the Western World. In fact, through his creations he is noted for virtually inventing the concept of 'Englishness.' It has been noted that, 'he was defined by his Englishness as much as he defined it.'

BWW Reviews: SONS OF THE PROPHET, Thought Provoking, Funny, But flawed at Dobama
BWW Reviews: PSYCHO BEACH PARTY a Camp Challenge for Blank Canvas
BWW Reviews: PSYCHO BEACH PARTY a Camp Challenge for Blank Canvas
February 23, 2013

Who wrote THEODORA, SHE BITCH OF BYZANTIUM, TIMES SQUARE ANGEL, or VAMPIRE LESBIANS OF SODOM? Don't know? You are not alone. These, and more escapist romps with similar bizarre names, are the products of Charles Louis Busch, an American actor, playwright and female impersonator. Many of his works, including PSYCHO BEACH PARTY, which is now in production at Blank Canvas Theatre, were written specifically as vehicles for Busch and his camp style of acting.

BWW Review: Cleveland Play House's THE DEVIL'S MUSIC - An Entertaining Bio-Concert
BWW Review: Cleveland Play House's THE DEVIL'S MUSIC - An Entertaining Bio-Concert
February 21, 2013

THE DEVIL'S MUSIC is a very entertaining evening of theatre, highlighted by the performance of Miche Braden, but is somewhat burdened by the format of the script.

BWW Reviews: BLUE MAN GROUP Nothing But Fun, Fun, Fun at Palace Theatre
BWW Reviews: BLUE MAN GROUP Nothing But Fun, Fun, Fun at Palace Theatre
February 15, 2013

Ian, my thirteen year old grandson, who I often bring along to judge whether theatre productions are both appropriate and will be enjoyable for kids, just kept repeating, 'That was fun,' as we returned to our car for the trip home.

BWW Reviews: None Too Fragile's A BEHANDING IN SPOKANE...Not for the Language Police!
BWW Reviews: None Too Fragile's A BEHANDING IN SPOKANE...Not for the Language Police!
February 11, 2013

Sean Derry, the artistic director of none too fragile theater, is known for his love of off-the-wall scripts and characters. He fears no plots, language or the macabre. In Martin McDonagh, the author of none too fragile's latest brain teaser, A BEHANDING IN SPOKANE, he has met his mate.

BWW Reviews: Cute YOU SAY TOMATO, I SAY SHUT UP! at 14th Street Playhouse
BWW Reviews: Cute YOU SAY TOMATO, I SAY SHUT UP! at 14th Street Playhouse
February 8, 2013

What do courtship, sex, money, lack of sex, romance, birth, wanting more sex, parenting, children, squabbling, still wanting more sex, and anniversaries all have in common? Marriage, of course

BWW Reviews: Lakeland's NEXT TO NORMAL: Compelling Script, Must See Production
BWW Reviews: Lakeland's NEXT TO NORMAL: Compelling Script, Must See Production
February 3, 2013

If you were an investor in Broadway shows and someone came to you proposing a rock musical about a mother with worsening bipolar disorder, that was going to be performed as an operetta (all singing, few spoken sentences), with no show stoppers, no dancing, no chorus numbers, few laughs, and an unnerving ending, written by an author who has never had a big hit, would you invest? Well, a group did, and the result was NEXT TO NORMAL which won three 2009 Tony Awards and the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Drama and had a smash 733 performance-run on Broadway, and is now touring to sold out audiences.

BWW Reviews: THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JAMES, Intriguing Theater at Ensemble
BWW Reviews: THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JAMES, Intriguing Theater at Ensemble
February 2, 2013

Charles Smith, author of THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JAMES, which is now getting its Ohio Premiere at Ensemble Theatre, is an award-winning writer, and playwright-in-residence for the Indiana Repertory Theatre. He is also head of the Professional playwriting program at Ohio University.

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