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Roy Berko - Page 23

Roy Berko

Roy Berko, a life-long Clevelander, holds degrees, through the doctorate from Kent State, University of Michigan and The Pennsylvania State University. Roy was an actor for many years, appearing in more than 16 plays, 8 TV commercials, and 3 films. He has directed more than 30 productions. A member of the American Critics Association and The Cleveland Critics Circle, he has been an entertainment reviewer for more than fifty years. For three years he was a regular on Channel 5, ABC-Cleveland's "Morning Exchange" and "Live on 5," serving as the stations communication consultant. He has also appeared on "Good Morning America." Roy served as the Director of Public Relations for the Volunteer Office in the White House during the first Clinton Administration. He was a professor of communication and psychology who taught at George Washington University, University of Maryland, Notre Dame College of Ohio and Towson University. Roy is the author of 38 books. He was selected by Cleveland Magazine as one of the most interesting people in Cleveland.


First Show:

Wonderful Town

Favorite Show:

Chorus Line, Fiddler on The Roof, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, West Side Story, Something Rotten, Pippin

April 24, 2017

During the late 1920s and into the 1940s, the United States went through the great depression. Unemployment in the U. S. rose to 25%. These were drab times and, as is the case, since the arts represent the era from which they come, the theatre of that time period represented two extremes: heavy drama reflecting the negative mood of the nation and escapism to make people feel better by hiding from their angst-filled reality.

BWW Review:  Disturbing, Funny BETWEEN RIVER AND CRAZY at the Cleveland Play House
BWW Review: Disturbing, Funny BETWEEN RIVER AND CRAZY at the Cleveland Play House
April 12, 2017

Pulitzer Prize Winner and Steinberg Distinguished Playwright, Stephen Adly Guirgis, whose script 'Between Riverside and Crazy,' is now on stage at Cleveland Play House, is noted for writing plays that feature racial discord and the definition of family, while examining 'self-interest, self-delusion, self-recriminating, greed and amorality.'

BWW Preview: 2017 Season is About to Raise the Curtain at the Shaw Festival
BWW Preview: 2017 Season is About to Raise the Curtain at the Shaw Festival
April 5, 2017

Those nice people from the North who are getting ready to create great theater are beaconing people from CLE to be their guests.

BWW Review: A Female HAMLET Brings a Twist to the Play at Great Lakes Theater, Well, Almost . . .
BWW Review: A Female HAMLET Brings a Twist to the Play at Great Lakes Theater, Well, Almost . . .
April 3, 2017

Having been summoned home to Denmark from school in Germany to attend his father's funeral, he is shocked to find his mother Gertrude already remarried to his Uncle Claudius, the dead king's brother, who has declared himself the king, though young Hamlet is the actual heir to the crown. Hamlet, rightly, suspects foul play.

BWW Review: HARM'S WAY Examines the Underbelly of Humanity at Convergence Continuum
BWW Review: HARM'S WAY Examines the Underbelly of Humanity at Convergence Continuum
March 27, 2017

Cleveland is in the midst of 'The Mac Wellman Homecoming Festival,' presented by Playwrights Local, in partnership with Cleveland State University Department of English, the NEOMFA Creative Writing Program, and the Michael Schwartz Library, with performances by Playwrights Local, Theater Ninjas, convergence-continuum, CSU Department of Theatre & Dance, Baldwin Wallace University Department of Theatre and Dance, and The Manhattan Project-Cleveland Lab.

BWW Review: A Tale of Disinterring Bodies Makes For Wild Night of Irish Black Comedy at none too fragile
BWW Review: A Tale of Disinterring Bodies Makes For Wild Night of Irish Black Comedy at none too fragile
March 27, 2017

Partake in the free shot of Jamison, which is the hallmark of the pre-show ritual at none-too-fragile, sit back, and allow yourself to be immersed in an Irish black comedy, complete with skull battering, blunt language and a wee bit of fun.

March 23, 2017

When the 2016-17 Key Bank Broadway series was announced, I was ecstatic. Three of my favorite recent Broadway shows were listed: 'Something Rotten,' 'An American in Paris,' and 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.'

BWW Review: Ensemble's 2017 COLOMBI NEW PLAYS FESTIVAL Features OCCUPATION DAD at Ensemble
BWW Review: Ensemble's 2017 COLOMBI NEW PLAYS FESTIVAL Features OCCUPATION DAD at Ensemble
March 23, 2017

Ensemble Theatre's 'Playwrights' was established in the early 1990's by Don Bianchi, one of the founders of Dobama, and Park Goist, a professor of American Studies at Case Western Reserve. It was started with the hope of creating an opportunity for local playwrights to have their works staged.

BWW Review: 'Honey, Honey,' MAMMA MIA! Makes Yet Another Stop at Cleveland's Connor Palace
BWW Review: 'Honey, Honey,' MAMMA MIA! Makes Yet Another Stop at Cleveland's Connor Palace
March 16, 2017

Yes, the jukebox musical 'Mamma Mia!' is back in Cleveland. And, as has consistently happened in the past, the audience was on its feet dancing and singing in the rows and aisles during the extended curtain call.

BWW Review: FLOYD COLLINS Melodramatically Spelunkers Into Eternal Fame at Blank Canvas
BWW Review: FLOYD COLLINS Melodramatically Spelunkers Into Eternal Fame at Blank Canvas
March 13, 2017

'Floyd Collins,' now on stage at Blank Canvas Theatre, isn't your typical musical. There is no dancing, no show-stopper production numbers, no intentional humor, no subplot, no 'I wish for' numbers. It's a tale of simple folks, a story focused on a man with an obsession to spelunker (explore caves), the power of sensationalism in the press, and the role of family and faith.

BWW Review: HOW I LEARNED TO DRIVE Makes For a Slow Haunting Trip at Cleveland Play House
BWW Review: HOW I LEARNED TO DRIVE Makes For a Slow Haunting Trip at Cleveland Play House
March 13, 2017

The mission of the Cleveland Play House is to produce plays that 'inspire stimulate and entertain.' It further intends to bring bold, necessary, personal stories told in imaginative ways to the public.

BWW Interview: Nancy Maier and OPEN A NEW WINDOW:  THE SONGS OF JERRY HERMAN by The Musical Theater Project
BWW Interview: Nancy Maier and OPEN A NEW WINDOW: THE SONGS OF JERRY HERMAN by The Musical Theater Project
March 9, 2017

Nancy Maier left New York and a budding career to move to Cleveland. Yes, she traded the Big Apple for Cle!

BWW Review: Controversial, Thought-Provoking A GREAT WILDERNESS at Beck Center for the Arts
BWW Review: Compelling THE FLICK Unreels as a Must See Production at Dobama
BWW Review: Compelling THE FLICK Unreels as a Must See Production at Dobama
March 6, 2017

Annie Baker, who deservedly won the 2014 Pulitzer Prize for her play The Flick, was perceived by the awarding committee as one of 'the most impressive dramatists of her generation.' They went on to say she, 'writes with tenderness and keen insight.'

BWW Feature: KEY BANK BROADWAY SERIES 2017-2018 Announced at PlayhouseSquare
BWW Feature: KEY BANK BROADWAY SERIES 2017-2018 Announced at PlayhouseSquare
March 2, 2017

It was an exciting evening at the State Theatre, where a capacity crowd heard Gina Vernaci, architect of the Key Bank Broadway series, announce the 2017-2018 season.

BWW Review:  I CALL MY BROTHERS Challenges and Confounds at Cleveland Public Theatre
BWW Review: I CALL MY BROTHERS Challenges and Confounds at Cleveland Public Theatre
March 1, 2017

It's no wonder in this age of xenophobia, racial profiling and baiting, irrational interpretation of regulations, police brutality and alternate facts being spewed, that when a car bomb goes off in the center of a large American metropolis, a Muslim young man would become paranoid.

BWW Review:  Well Done BARBECUE Lights Up Cleveland Public Theatre
BWW Review: Well Done BARBECUE Lights Up Cleveland Public Theatre
February 27, 2017

Addiction, whether it's alcohol, drugs, sex, racism, obsessive compulsion or eating, is no funny matter. That is unless it's in a play written by playwright Robert O'Hara.

BWW Review: Ensemble Hits a Hole-in-One with RADIO GOLF
BWW Review: Ensemble Hits a Hole-in-One with RADIO GOLF
February 27, 2017

August Wilson is considered not only one of the greatest of African American playwrights, but of all theatrical writers. His themes of self-identity, racism, loyalty, religion, deception, love, gentrification and historical verification form the centerpiece of his well-received 'Century Cycle' about black life in Pittsburgh.

BWW Review: Well-Conceived BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY at Lakeland Civic Theatre
BWW Review: Well-Conceived BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY at Lakeland Civic Theatre
February 21, 2017

The capsule judgement of my review of the Broadway production of The Bridges of Madison County stated, 'The Bridges of Madison County' is one of those special, intimate, meaningful, well-conceived and performed shows that deserved a longer shelf-life than it is getting.'

BWW Review: WAIT UNTIL DARK Underwhelming at Great Lakes Theater
BWW Review: WAIT UNTIL DARK Underwhelming at Great Lakes Theater
February 21, 2017

Over the last number of years Great Lakes Theater has cobbled together seasons consisting of Shakespearean classics, musicals and mystery plays. The combination has proven to be very successful, with many award winning productions and audience pleasing shows being produced.
