BWW Review: HAND TO GOD at GablestageOctober 17, 2016Robert Askins' brilliant play, HAND TO GOD...where stereotypical characters are flipped inside out in horrifyingly hilarious fashion...
BWW Review: THE ROYALE at GableStageJune 7, 2016From the first punch to the last arms raised high in victory, THE ROYALE is a seventy minute thriller. Black versus white nailed down in a boxing ring.
BWW Review: WEST SIDE STORY at Actors' PlayhouseFebruary 8, 2016So now it's all here again on the big stage at Actors' Playhouse. There's a cast of 27 directed by David Arisco, the king of big musicals, who doesn't let a flat moment slip into the two hour performance.
BWW Reviews: IT'S ONLY A PLAY at GableStageJanuary 29, 2016In case you still haven't guessed, IT'S ONLY A PLAY, Terrence McNally's two hour love affair with Broadway and its critics, is funny. And serious at times. And so is the brilliant cast and director.
BWW Review RAPTURE, BLISTER, BURN at Zoetic StageJanuary 19, 2016You know that the grass is always greener, that the jealousy dragon has bright green eyes, that you can't go home again, that your generation is the only one that got it right, don't you? Of course you do.