BWW Review: THIS IS WHO I AM at Woolly Mammoth Theatre CompanyDecember 17, 2020This Is Who I Am is a compelling emotional tale, defying our expected limits of technology to bring us a deep, profound human connection over a video call. With clever, layered uses of language and deeply poignant discussions, Amir Nizar Zuabi’s play shows us that human connection isn’t just possible under these circumstances, but able to thrive.
BWW Review: THE RESURRECTION OF ALICE at The Essential TheatreDecember 16, 2020The Resurrection of Alice is a well-researched, superbly acted play. There are some flaws, but the production is well worth seeing for its heart, empathy, and even humor. It will hopefully both entertain audiences and encourage them to become advocates for children like Alice.
BWW Review: TRANS AM at The Keegan TheatreNovember 18, 2020'TRANS AM' is a powerful, honest portrayal of a fascinating and gifted woman, and brings a beautiful blend of storytelling and performance to the stage (and our screens). With its compelling story, sensational music, and deep emotionality, 'TRANS AM' is a show that stays with audiences in the best way, and makes you excited to see what Lisa’s next steps will be.
BWW Review: FROM GUMBO TO MUMBO at Keegan TheatreNovember 17, 2020'From Gumbo to Mumbo' is like a favorite books of poetry – a little rough when you’re still learning the rhythms, but ultimately captivating. Anderson and Lawson-Brown’s command of language is stunning, and the linguistic juxtapositions in this script are so artful, the audience could discover a new, intriguing turn of phrase with each viewing.
BWW Review: AMERICAN DREAMS at Round House TheatreOctober 8, 2020Round House Theatre leans into our current circumstances and puts on a good show. It's just a shame that our reality is so much worse than we could have envisioned only a few years ago that even cautionary and bitingly political statements now fall short of where we really are.
BWW Review: ((EMOJI PLAY)) at Solas Nua TheatreOctober 7, 2020I've been as hungry for new shows as I'm sure many theater fans have been. And this particular show has the creativity, resourcefulness, and talent to bring us what we've been missing. But the underdeveloped back story, the shaky premise, and the technical issues make the experience fall short of the expectations the production's potential sets for it.
BWW Review: MUSEUM 2040 at 4615 Theatre CompanyMarch 10, 2020'Museum 2040' is a stunning, meticulous look at the future we face if we don't break out of the cycles that have become a part of American life. Renee Calarco's world-building is impressively, hauntingly, realistic, and it's beautifully brought to life by 4615's incredible cast and crew.
BWW Review: EASY WOMEN SMOKING LOOSE CIGARETTES at Signature TheatreMarch 2, 2020'Easy Women Smoking Loose Cigarettes' is a smart, insightful show with an incredibly talented cast and production team. It's a heartfelt, surprisingly funny, and achingly realistic portrayal of a family struggling with their demons, brought to life by an outstanding team.
BWW Review: WORLD STAGES: LA CLEMENZA DI TITO at The Kennedy CenterFebruary 14, 2020Overall, 'La Clemenza di Tito' is an interesting take on the beloved Mozart piece, though it feels very rough as a production, and the Kennedy Center's Eisenhower Theater may not be the ideal venue for this staging. But with a fabulous cast, team of dancers, and orchestra, it still makes for an enjoyable evening.
BWW Review: WORLD STAGES: HEROINE at The Kennedy CenterFebruary 13, 2020'Heroine' handles a number of deep, complex issues. And yet, it manages to do so with a sensitivity and care that feels respectful and fitting to those it portrays, directly or indirectly. The care and attention put into this production by every member of the team shows in the performance, and beyond the stage.
BWW Review: NO EXIT at Live Garra TheatreNovember 18, 2019'No Exit' itself is a wonderful source material, and it was intriguing to hear Live Garra Theatre's plans to update and add an escape room element to the famous play. I walked into this show excited to see a new, modern twist on one of my favourite plays. Instead, I walked out incredibly disappointed.
BWW Review: EDWARD ALBEE'S OCCUPANT at Theater JNovember 14, 2019'Occupant' is a beautiful, intimate piece about a fascinating woman, presented in a clever and engaging manner. Every element of the production is thoughtful, and it's thoroughly enjoyable to settle in for an evening with Louise and her part-admiring, part-critical interviewer.
BWW Review: JUNK at Arena StageApril 14, 2019Arena Stage's production of 'Junk' marks the Washington, DC area premiere of the critically acclaimed play, and, happily, Arena's production is more than up to the task of living up to the show's reputation.
BWW Review: THE HEIRESS at Arena StageFebruary 17, 2019Perhaps the biggest problem with 'The Heiress' is that it's difficult to invest in. It's hard to root for Catherine beyond hoping she tells Morris off, and that's more about dislike of him than support for her. After all, we can all get behind telling off a bad ex. It's just a shame that The Heiress doesn't give us the opportunity to go deeper than that.
BWW Interview: Mona Mansour of THE VAGRANT TRILOGY at Atlas Performing Arts CenterJune 6, 2018Mona Mansour is a member of the Public Theater's Emerging Writers Group and a resident playwright at New Dramatists. 'The Vagrant Trilogy,' which follows a Palestinian family over a forty-year period, is comprised of three of her plays; the Mosaic Theatre production, which opens on June 11th (previews start June 6th), is the first time all three plays will be staged together. 'The Vagrant Trilogy' is part of the 2018 Voices from a Changing Middle East Festival.