Since 2013, Paul Batterson has had a secret life: being a volunteer writer for BroadwayWorld. During this time, he has had the pleasure to see some of the best plays, musicals, and concerts, interview some of his personal heroes (Joe Walsh, Steven Page, and Ben Folds) and industry leaders (Andrew Lippa and Nathan Tysen) and watching Columbus theatre scene grow and grow. Batterson graduated from the University of Missouri with a degree in journalism and from Capital University with a teaching license. He has been married to his lovely wife Nancy for over three decades and has two grown children in Alicia Millerson, an actress in Denver, and Grant Batterson, who is heading to grad school in England.
Comedian Jerry Seinfeld is famous for creating SEINFELD, a show about nothing. As a standup comedian, Seinfeld proved he can make just about anything funny. Performing before a packed Ohio Theatre crowd Feb. 27 in Columbus, Seinfeld proved his point during the opening 10-minute diatribe about what it probably took most of the audience to get tickets for the show.
Having future in-laws meet can often be a pretty awkward experience, especially when the two sets of parents reside on opposite sides of the political fence. Few meetings could be more awkward than the ones in LA CAGE AUX FOLLES, a two-act musical being presented by Imagine Productions at Wall Street Nightclub in downtown Columbus.
Every time he looks at his niece Angela, Ron McNeil remembers John Lennon. McNeil's niece was born Dec. 9, 1980, a day after Lennon was shot and killed outside his apartment in New York City.
Back as part of a national tour for the first time in 17 years, Linda Balgord finds herself in familiar, but new territory. Balgord plays Madame Giry in THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, marking the fifth different character she's played in an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical.
The opening pages of Dr. Seuss' THE CAT IN THE HAT give a perfect description of a dismal January day in Columbus. CATCO is Kids production of THE CAT IN THE HAT at Studio One Theatre in the Vern Riffe Center might be the perfect cure for families suffering from cabin fever of the city's muck and mire season.
Surviving. A rock band and a television show may have named themselves after the concept and Gloria Gaynor may have sung about it. For the last 50 years, Otis Williams and the Temptations have lived it out.
The notoriously harsh London critics predicted a very short lifespan for WE WILL ROCK YOU, a musical centered on the rock band Queen's hits, when it opened May 14, 2002 at the Dominion Theatre in London's West End. The Guardian felt the production came across as 'ruthlessly packaged and manufactured,' with its plot finding 'more unlikely ways to wring out another Queen song' into the two and a half hour performance.
One of the great things about the theater is that art is constantly changing, constantly evolving. If it isn't, even the best of shows become stale, bland and, God forbid, boring.
Erica Peck was about five years old when Freddie Mercury died but the flamboyant lead singer for Queen has made a major impact on the Canadian singer's life.
When asked how long a novel should be, Ernest Hemmingway said he could tell a complete story in just six words. When the person doubted it, Hemmingway wrote 'For Sale: Baby Shoes. Never Worn.'
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