SOUND OFF Special Edition: Top 10+ Most Important Gay MusicalsJuly 1, 2015The landmark Supreme Court ruling handed down late last week instating national legalization of marriage rights for all individuals is a cause celebre for the country at large, particularly the Broadway community who has vocally and vociferously fought for equal acceptance for all for decades. Given the preponderance of LGBT people in the theatre community itself, this victory is a particular joy for many to celebrate. As a result of this momentous event, now is the ideal time to take a look back at the most important and notable musicals that have appeared on Broadway in the last several decades to shine a light on the gay community, ranging from portrayals of closeted individuals trapped and unable to find acceptance in a conservative society all the way to the out and proud representations available to see in some currently running smash hits. Additionally, who could forget all of musicals that have touched upon LGBT issues over the years - from the campy to the controversial to the highly acclaimed.
BWW EXCLUSIVE: 5 SONGS BY... Michael Friedman On THE FORTRESS OF SOLITUDEJune 30, 2015Today we are continuing the 5 SONGS BY... series by talking to a noted composer of many Off-Broadway musicals and special events including SAVED, THE BLUE DEMON, IN THE BUBBLE and more all about his latest musical offering, the Itamar Moses collaboration THE FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE. Based on the celebrated novel of the same name by Jonathan Lethem, THE FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE provided Friedman with rich dramatic fodder with which to craft a spectacular musical score overflowing with melody and displaying a wide swath of influences befitting of the coming of age story and 1970s milieu, ranging from traditional musical theatre to rock, pop, R&B, rap, world music and beyond, which he describes in detail via his personally chosen selections from the show in today's show-focused discussion.