BWW Review: THE HILLS ARE ALIVE WITH RODGERS & HAMMERSTEIN at Barrington Stage CompanyAugust 24, 2020the audience was sincerely and repeatedly thanked for the opportunity to share music that is a?oejust not the same as sitting at homea??. Smiles on the masked faces as the sun set and many were no doubt whistling a happy tune as they returned to their cars suggested that although there are most certainly changes and differences, THE HILLS ARE (still) ALIVE WITH RODGERS & HAMMERSTEIN.
BWW Feature: How The Show Will Go On For GODSPELL at Berkshire Theatre GroupAugust 5, 2020With a small cast of only ten, the simplicity and small scale of Godspell made it an ideal choice to move forward with given current concerns. Performances will take place under a tent in the parking lot of BTG's Colonial Theatre in Pittsfield. To allow for Social Distancing, the audience for each performance will be limited to 75-100.
BWW Feature: Barrington Stage to Move Forward with LIVE PerformancesJune 25, 2020Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Barrington Stage Company has postponed the previously announced 2020 season until 2021. They have, however, come up with an a?oealternate seasona?? that honors live theatre and allows for gathering safely. BSC has devised a plan which follows Social Distancing guidelines to ensure the safety of audience members, employees, and performers alike.
Caution, Cancellations, and Even Some Creativity: The Status of Theatre in The Berkshires in the Time of Covid-19.April 10, 2020The a?oeseasona?? for the performing arts in The Berkshires typically runs the six months between May and October. With the limited window of opportunity to create the outstanding work Berkshire arts organizations are known for and the public health concerns making it difficult to imagine let alone plan for an a?oeordinarya?? season. Accordingly, it is not surprising that many have adopted a a?oewait and see posturea?? as Julieann Boyd Artistic Director of Barrington Stage Company announced this morning.
BWW Review: FIDDLER ON THE ROOF at Proctors Maintains its Delicate Balance.February 20, 2020I want to state clearly this a very good production with a large group of talented professionals. Notable performances include Yehezkel Lazarov as Tevye and Ms. Murphy, Froch, and Barenblat as his daughters, Tzeitel, Hodel, and Chava respectively. The choreography originally by Jerome Robbins, recreated by Christopher Evans, with new choreography by Hofesh Schecter is also noteworthy. Overall, however, I felt the production did not quite reach its potential. While this is not a re-imagined Fiddler, there are infusions of some new elements that for me, just didn't work.
BWW Review: YOUR BEST ONE at Capital Repertory Theatre Supports the Notion That Nobody Can Push Your Buttons Like Family Can.January 25, 2020This production of YOUR BEST ONE marks the east coast premier of one in a series of three plays by Meridith Friedman. In it, the Hoffman family rallies together, and against one another, as they wrestle with issues such as love, loss, finance, health insurance, child custody, and more in the context of a non-traditional, more modern family. As Richard and David deal with grown up matters, Josh, David's teenage adopted son, deals with newcomer Richard: Who is he? What does he really want? And what does it mean for Josh's future? Meridith Friedman's warm, funny and touching play gets to the heart of what family is all about and makes us realize that indeed, family matters.
BWW Review: THE BAND'S VISIT at Proctors Invites Audiences to Get Re-Acquainted With People We've Probably Never Met Before.January 4, 2020THE BAND'S VISIT is a heartfelt, critically acclaimed (one of only four musicals in Broadway history to win the unofficial a?oeBig Sixa?? Tony Awards including Best Musical, Best Book, Best Score, Best Actor in a Musical, Best Actress in a Musical, and Best Direction of a Musical) of how the smallest moments can have the largest impact. The characters have unusual names and speak differently from a?oetypical Americansa?? and those we typically see on our stages, but their story is both charming and delightful. It reminds us that as human beings we are far more alike than we are different.
BWW Review: FROZEN at Proctors Wraps the Capital Region in a Big Warm Hug.November 17, 2019If you think of FROZEN as being for kids, I suggest you need to think again. Like the stage version of Disney's Lion King before it, this production is high quality live theatre that excels on multiple levels. There is quite a lot to see, experience, and enjoy in FROZEN both for the young and the young at heart.
BWW Review: AMERICAN UNDERGROUND at Barrington Stage Company A Profound New Drama That Asks Us To Examine Where We've Been, Where We Are, and Where We Are Going.October 8, 2019This production is, in a word - 'tight'. The many facets and elements of the script, costuming, sound, lighting, sets, direction, and cast are all notable in their own right. This is a case where they come together and the whole is, indeed, greater than the sum of the parts. The result is 90-minutes of powerful, intense, and frighteningly plausible theatre that is engaging, emotional, intriguing, important, and regardless of your politics or point-of-view, well worth seeing.
BWW Review: WHAT THE JEWS BELIEVE at Berkshire Theatre Group Leaves Audiences With Lots to Think About.October 1, 2019At it's core, WHAT THE JEWS BELIEVE is a poignant story about the loss of faith and the journey to find it. Moreover, it is about life. The joys, sadness, fears, and many of the overwhelming number of questions that come with it. To his credit, playwright, Mark Harelik, goes to great lengths to pose a plethora of questions most of have, or will have to deal with. It is both notable and admirable that he does so without providing answers. About the choices we make as well as their consequences and impact. Harelik encourages us to think but never tells us how, what, or why we should do so.
BWW Review: TIME STANDS STILL at Shakespeare & Company Examines Change and Choice.September 26, 2019Over the span of two hours, TIME STANDS STILL explores the relationship between the individuals and the two couples at a crucial juncture in each of their lives. Their desire to move forward in conflict with the comfort of clinging to the past. Will they fight, challenge, accept, reject, change, or stand still?
BWW Review: HERSHEY FELDER AS GEORGE GERSHWIN ALONE at Berkshire Theatre Group is S'wonderful, S'Marvelous, and Magnificent.August 25, 2019Felder's performance is sublime. Watching his hands manipulate the keys of the Steinway Concert Grand Piano is a thing of beauty almost like watching the seemingly effortless movements of Gene Kelly and Syd Charise in American In Paris. So much so, it felt as if I were floating, gliding, and soaring above my seat throughout the production. Felder's performance is so genuine and strong, tears were brought to many an eye when he setup his performance of the duet from Porgy and Bess. He explains the evolution of this and other pieces providing fascinating insight and showing what an absolute genius Gershwin was. Felder's performance of the entire Rhapsody in Blue itself is well worth the price of admission. Happily, the show provides much more including both Q&A and sing-along segments.

BWW Review: FALL SPRINGS at Barrington Stage Company Proves that Environmental Consciousness Can Be FUNAugust 20, 2019One should plant their tongue firmly in cheek for this one. It is over-the-top, exaggerated, and farcical in the way of Urinetown, The Book of Mormon, and Something Rotten. The original music is quite good and rather entertaining. The content seems to be split between two camps some directed at the a?oeadult generationa?? of baby boomers, and some at their a?oemillenniala?? offspring. Not that the two can't or don't overlap. Several common stereotypes and clichés are targeted as the butt of many jokes so there is pretty much something that works for just about everyone. There are some fun moments that require thinking: a?oethat Greek figure of a daughter of yoursa??, a?oelet's light a match behind this cowa??; and some that are just plain in your face: a?oemaybe the earth doesn't like an enemaa??. Some, I really just did not understand: a?oejust because you have the same feet doesn't mean you have the same legsa??, nor why it is supposed to be funny. That's when I realized it was best to simply let go and enjoy the silliness that abounds.