Review: NASSIM at Portland Center StageApril 9, 2024NASSIM is more than an incredible piece of theatre. It’s an incredible experience. And one I recommend to anyone and everyone, especially if you’re feeling a little lonely and in need of some community.
Review: QUIXOTE NUEVO at Portland Center StageMarch 23, 2024This gorgeous show is exactly the kind of thing we need more of right now – a celebration of the indomitable human spirit and a challenge to us all to not just imagine a better world but to make that world a reality.
Review: PORT AUTHORITY at Imago TheatreMarch 14, 2024PORT AUTHORITY reels you in and makes you care deeply about simple, ordinary, broken people. If you’re a fan of monologues, this is one you’ll definitely want to see.
Review: WE WROTE THIS WITH YOU IN MIND at Shaking The TreeFebruary 21, 2024The play, directed by Rebby Yuer Foster, is like a dream that exists in that space in between sleeping and waking. It speaks to the part of the brain that processes emotions and memory below the level of consciousness.
Review: THE LION KING at Keller AuditoriumJanuary 12, 2024The reason this musical is the third-longest running in Broadway history (and that its Portland tour stop is three weeks rather than the typical one week) is because it’s truly magical.
Review: BLOOD WEDDING at Shaking The TreeOctober 24, 2023Every time I go to Shaking the Tree, I wonder what surprises, delights, and disturbances artistic director Samantha Van Der Merwe and her highly creative crew have in store for us. Federico García Lorca's BLOOD WEDDING, now on stage, has its fair share of all three.
Review: AIN'T MISBEHAVIN' at Broadway RoseOctober 4, 2023AIN’T MISBEHAVIN’ is a great musical showcase, as well as a much-needed diversion. The hooting, hollering, clapping, and toe-tapping audience seemed to agree.