BWW Review: MARJORIE PRIME Asks Us to Take an Intimate Look at Our Relationship with Technology, at Artists RepFebruary 15, 2017Think about someone important to you who has died. Now imagine you could make an artificial intelligence (AI) robot who looked and acted exactly like your lost loved one. Would you do it? What if you were elderly and needed care? What if you were lonely? And what would that mean for the nature of human relationships? These are just a few of the questions Jordan Harrison's MARJORIE PRIME, now playing at Artists Rep, asks us to consider.
BWW Review: ASTORIA Brings the Founding of Oregon's Oldest City Vividly to Life, at Portland Center StageJanuary 27, 2017I read Peter Stark's Astoria last year on the suggestion of Portland Center Stage Artistic Director Chris Coleman. It's the history of the John Jacob Astor-funded expedition to establish a fur trading post on the Pacific. He sent one party by land and another by sea to Astoria, Oregon, which became the first American settlement in the Pacific Northwest. The whole time I was reading, all I could think was, 'How did they make it?'
BWW Preview: 9 Shows I'm Excited About at Fertile Ground 2017January 9, 2017The past few weeks have been tough for theatre. A series of winter storms have effectively shut down the city. I've had three shows canceled, and as I write this we're under a sheet of ice! Fortunately, that's all about to change, and with the warmer temperatures will come one of my favorite PDX festivals: Fertile Ground. A full 11 days of brand new works by artists both veteran and new on the scene.
BWW Review: A VERY MERRY PDX-MAS is That Fun, Funny Christmas Musical You've Been Looking For, at Broadway RoseDecember 15, 2016Christmas shows usually come with a moral -- some 'true message of Christmas' about generosity or acceptance that we're supposed to carry in our hearts throughout the year to come. Broadway Rose's A VERY MERRY PDX-MAS has none of that. Your heart won't grow three sizes. There isn't even an overarching story you'll spend hours or days getting to the bottom of. What you will have is a smile on your face that will help you get through what is widely recognized as the most stressful time of year.
BWW Review: Portland Center Stage's IRVING BERLIN is the Must-See Show of the MonthDecember 15, 2016This month, millions of people across America will gather in squares, theatres, and many other places to sing their favorite seasonal carols. At 99.99% of these gatherings, someone will strike up the tune of 'White Christmas.' Meanwhile, at sporting events across the country, just after the national anthem, many people will remain standing to participate in a rousing rendition of 'God Bless America.' Very few of these people will know that these songs -- both quintessentially American -- were written by a Russian Jewish immigrant. That immigrant, who gave us much of the Great American Songbook, was Irving Berlin.
BWW Review: Before You Vote, Go See HOLD THESE TRUTHS at Portland Center StageOctober 14, 2016In this weird presidential campaign, where ideas like building a wall along our southern border and excluding entire groups of people from our country based on their religion are tossed around as if they were reasonable, it's important to look back at our shameful history -- in the hopes that we might avoid repeating it. Jeanne Sakata's HOLD THESE TRUTHS, now playing at Portland Center Stage, gives us that opportunity, and I urge as many people as possible to take it.
BWW Review: Don't Feed the Plants! Do See LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS at Portland Center StageSeptember 22, 2016You know the songs by heart, you have complicated feelings about the dentist (Steve Martin could never really be that bad, right?), and, admit it, you always secretly root for the plant. If any of this rings true, then go right now and buy your tickets to LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS at Portland Center Stage. It will fulfill all of your 'rock musical horror comedy' fantasies. (Rock musical horror comedy -- that's how Wikipedia describes it. Are there any other shows in this genre?)