Review: IAN SMITH: CRUSHING, Soho TheatreOctober 6, 2023“A show about stress, love and driving a tank with your hairdresser.” If that show description doesn’t capture your attention, I don’t know what will. Ian Smith: Crushing at the Soho Theatre is an hour-long comedy in which Smith describes what his life has been like recently, particularly the stress that has been a part of his life post-engagement.
Review: ROSIE JONES: TRIPLE THREAT, Soho TheatreOctober 4, 2023Rosie Jones is a triple threat in several ways, all of which you will find out throughout her new show, appropriately titled Triple Threat. And, according to Jones, there are only three jokes in the show, and all of them are placed at the end, so you have to wait!
Review: THE AMAZING BANANA BROTHERS, Soho TheatreSeptember 13, 2023The Amazing Banana Brothers begins with a promise to its audience - if there aren’t 1,000 slips on banana peels in one hour, everyone will get their money back. There’s a blank chalkboard for the slips to be recorded and an hourglass to keep track of the time left to slip.
Review: KIERAN HODGSON: BIG IN SCOTLAND, Soho TheatreSeptember 12, 2023Kieran Hodgson: Big in Scotland begins with a Scottish-themed bang as Hodgson takes to the stage, expressing his love for Scotland with jokes and references that only those from Scotland would understand. Hodgson is wearing a tartan blazer and proclaims that he himself is Scottish, but this quickly changes as his true identity is revealed.
Review: PALATABLE GAY ROBOT, Phoenix Arts ClubSeptember 14, 2023The description of Palatable Gay Robot states, “Stephen Brower begs the question, how gay is too gay?” Not something that you would expect from a show about a comedian robot, but, Brower is determined to answer this question through a show introducing us to Billie Bowtie, a palatable gay robot who is aiming to become a star.
Review: KATE, Soho TheatreSeptember 10, 2023Walking into Kate felt like entering a modern art exhibition. Going up the stairs of the Soho Theatre, you are faced with black and white photos of Kate Berlant, the star of the show. Berlant herself is sitting in a chair, on her phone, with a sign around her neck stating, “Ignore me.”
Review: SALTY BRINE: BIGMOUTH STRIKES AGAIN – THE SMITHS SHOW, Soho TheatreSeptember 10, 2023The concept of Salty Brine: Bigmouth Strikes Again – The Smiths Show is quite a fascinating one. The show, created and performed by Salty Brine, merges Mary Shelley’s iconic Frankenstein novel, The Smiths’ The Queen is Dead, and some personal stories. How can something like this possibly work? Luckily, Salty Brine knows exactly what he is doing
Review: COURTNEY PAUROSO: VANESSA 5000, Soho TheatreSeptember 4, 2023From the second she steps on stage, Courtney Pauroso becomes Vanessa 5000, a sex robot here to display her abilities to us at a tech expo. Pauroso is a brilliant physical comedian who has the audience in the palm of her hand to the point she can fall into the audience and they will catch her without question.
Review: PROM 63: THE RITE BY HEART, Royal Albert HallSeptember 3, 2023Prom 63: The Rite By Heart is a story of two parts, the same structure as The Rite of Spring itself. In Part One, actors and musicians come together to tell the story of how Stravinsky created The Rite of Spring. In Part Two, the Aurora Orchestra performs the Rite of Spring by memory with not a music stand in sight.
EDINBURGH 2023: Review: DR BONK'S MACARBARET, Laughing Horse @ Dragonfly, Main RoomAugust 30, 2023As someone who is a scaredy cat but loves morbid humour and wanted to test my boundaries during the Fringe, I decided to give Dr. Bonk’s Macarbaret a try. The show, hosted by Edinburgh’s only living plague doctor, Dr. Bonk (played by Eliott Simpson), is a cabaret that promises “laughs, scares, and gore galore in this madcap hour of madness.”
EDINBURGH 2023: Review: POLICE COPS: THE MUSICAL, Assembly George Square StudiosAugust 31, 2023After seeing Police Cops: Badass Be Thy Name and loving the group’s sense of humour and fantastic dynamic, I knew that I wanted to see their 2023 Edinburgh Fringe Festival show, Police Cops: The Musical. Somehow, this show managed to exceed my already high expectations, making for a perfect last show at the Fringe.