BWW Review: MACK & MABEL at The Alchemy TheatreApril 29, 2022I was anxious to get back to the theatre after the pandemic hiatus on two levels - lingering fear of the 'Rona versus my life-long love affair with what is for me the greatest artistic performance genre of all: Musical Theatre. And we see here what won. I love musical theatre so much that I earned a degree as a triple threat from an exclusive conservatory, and know from whence I speak. Or type.
BWW Review: FIVE LESBIANS EATING A QUICHEDecember 20, 2019Titles are, as a rule, somewhat useless as labels go, so when I was invited to attend FIVE LESBIANS EATING A QUICHE, I suspected I might be in for a comedy, possibly a farce, and hopefully some sort of cult classic. I was delighted to discover that the play hits all those bases.

BWW Review: A CHRISTMAS MEMORY at The Mastrogeorge Theatre, Austin TexasDecember 10, 2019Based on the beloved 1956 classic by the same title, The Alchemy Theatre's production of A Christmas Memory (at the Mastrogeorge Theatre) is a lovely adaptation of what is in my opinion, Truman Capote's finest masterpiece. Although Capote published far fewer books than his contemporaries, his body of work is extraordinary with accolades for works the caliber of Breakfast at Tiffany's and In Cold Blood, Capote always insisted that this short story was his personal favorite. A tribute to his distant cousin, Nanny Rumbley Faulk, nicknamed 'Sook', A Christmas Memory tells us the story of 'Buddy' (Capote's nickname) and his last Christmas with cousin Sook and their beloved dog, Queenie. Capote's shattered childhood had a profound effect on him; He suffered from multiple neuroses (including separation anxiety), fueled by alcohol and drug addiction. Capote was so terrified of abandonment that he reportedly refused to travel without his most treasured possession, a baby blanket handmade by Sook. When he died at the Bel Air home of Joanne Carson one month shy of his sixtieth birthdate, (per Carson), he held the blanket and uttered his final words, 'It's me, it's Buddy... I'm cold'.

BWW Review: A CHRISTMAS STORY at THE GEORGETOWN PALACENovember 27, 2019The Georgetown Palace's production of A CHRISTMAS STORY is an action-packed musical extravaganza suitable for the whole family. Based on the 1983 American film classic of the same title, A CHRISTMAS STORY takes us back in time to a post-depression era town in Indiana as narrated by author Jean Shepherd (Art Rodriguez). Shepherd shares with us the story of Ralphie Parker's most memorable boyhood Christmas as told from his perspective and vivid imagination. You see, Ralphie desperately longs for a BB gun, but not just any old BB gun, it must be a 'Red Ryder Carbine action 200-shot Range Model air rifle'. Ralphie is convinced that this one present will not only make his life complete, but with this one present he can be the town hero, if the universe will only grant him this one small wish. In his desperation, Ralphie manages to rattle just about everyone around him, especially his mother, father, little brother, and schoolteacher.
BWW Review: DRACULA at Zach TheatreOctober 1, 2019I'm a complete sucker for a good horror story so I was very excited to review DRACULA. When I learned it was a slightly different take on the original I was concerned that it might be hard to follow or too long/too short, until I saw the name Steven Dietz. An outstanding playwright, Dietz's latest incarnation of the classic Dracula character is, well, outstanding.
BWW Review: THE WAVERLY GALLERY at The Alchemy TheatreSeptember 24, 2019THE WAVERLY GALLERY is nestled in front of a small hotel in Greenwich Village on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. The proprietress, Gladys Green is a sweet, immaculate lady with a dazzling smile and a sunny, infectious demeanor. Widowed, and a retired attorney with too much energy to do nothing, Gladys found this small gallery near her home and has made it her own for these past 28 years.
BWW Review: DRY LAND at Capital T TheatreJune 10, 2019Amy is a pregnant teen with no one to help her. She has a BFF (Reba), and yet she seeks help from high school swim team newcomer, Ester. Amy is too scared to trust anyone else, least of all an adult, and asks Ester to help her self-abort the pregnancy. A precarious situation, does Ester help Amy with such high stakes? It's a controversial topic to say the least and all politics and viewpoints aside, it's an all-too-common predicament in twenty-first century America.
BWW Review: MARY PAGE MARLOWE at The Alchemy TheatreMay 14, 2019Welcome to The Alchemy Theatre, a new Austin venue presenting the regional premiere of Mary Page Marlowe from playwright Tracy Letts (August: Osage County) at the Mastrogeorge Theatre. Mary Page Marlowe showcases nineteen high-caliber artists who give us eleven glimpses, (in nonlinear order) into the life of one woman, and the results could not be more compelling.
BWW Review: THE CHILDREN at Trinity Street PlayhouseApril 30, 2019Where to start when reviewing the best play in town? Start with the beginning I suppose, and The Children begins with a gorgeous set courtesy of Michael Krauss and Carlo Lorenzo Garcia. It's a small cottage on the east coast of England and it has that perfect 'lived-in look'. It would be easy to create a passable set but this one is rich with details, depth and character. Add to that a terrific lighting design from Alison Lewis and sound design from Craig Brock and you have a three-dimensional environment worthy of a play of this caliber from playwright Lucy Kirkwood.
BWW Review: THE BOOK CLUB PLAY at Different Stages, Santa Cruz TheatreMarch 27, 2019For over 30 years DIFFERENT STAGES has been entertaining Austin audiences with carefully selected seasons of the finest of plays. Not to be outdone, multiple award-winning playwright Karen Zacarias' The Book Club Play provides us with a marvelous glimpse into what goes on in a typical American book club.
BWW Review: NANA'S NAUGHTY KNICKERS at Georgetown PlayhouseFebruary 28, 2019Before Bridget (Pam Taylor) goes off to law school in the fall, she decides to spend the summer with her favorite Nana, Sylvia (Susan McWilliams) in her rent-controlled New York apartment. Syliva's best friend Vera (Nikki Bora) is never far away and newly-appointed beat cop Tom (Jacob Maspero) drops in often to check up on Sylvia and now to flirt a bit with Bridget and constantly with Vera.
BWW Review: OUR TOWN at The City Theatre AustinFebruary 20, 2019It's a bit embarrassing to admit that a life-long theatre junkie like me had never seen OUR TOWN until last Saturday night. I have read it and loved it of course; I am familiar with the plot, characters, etc, but had never actually experienced this American treasure and I am so glad and grateful I got to see this production. Austin Theatre lovers have a special affinity for The City Theatre I think because it's a 'neighborhood' theatre. Andy Berkovsky and company treat you like family and instead of dropping in for coffee, we drop in for some quality art time.
BWW Review: THE THREE MUSKETEERS at Mary Moody Northen TheatreFebruary 20, 2019The Alexandre Dumas classic The Three Musketeers has been told, retold, produced and reimagined in countless ways in its 175-year history. This production is a marvelous retelling of the story from playwright Megan Monaghan Rivas with what I would term a gender-blend cast (versus gender-blind). It is a tight, witty and thoroughly entertaining revisit of this timeless tale.
BWW Review: HEARTLAND at The Vortex TheatreJanuary 22, 2019Unfolding before us in flashback mode, HEARTLAND delves into a 'West meets East meets West' tale that explores the differences and similarities between two very different cultures that fuse into one coherent story. We are reminded throughout the play of how alike human beings are and just how quickly, easily, and dangerously the simplest of misunderstandings can escalate and create dire, life-long consequences.
BWW Review: PARADISE at Austin PlayhouseJanuary 17, 2019Paradise perfection!Welcome to Paradise! 'A town of sinners and saints', brought to you by Austin Playhouse courtesy of Frost Entertainment. Originally produced by Ruskin Group Theatre Co of Los Angeles and now on tour, this gem is currently in Austin and what a delightful treat it is! With an incredible book, music, and lyrics from Bill Robertson, Tom Sage, and Cliff Wagner, this show has it all. Add to that a stellar cast and a terrific set and what more does one need?
BWW Review: A TUNA CHRISTMAS at The City TheatreDecember 26, 2018Welcome to Tuna, third - smallest town in the great state of Texas. I have been in love with it since my first visit in 1984 and it always feels like a return to the folks of my native Texan childhood. Never been to Tuna, Texas? Well I'm sorry and bless your heart, but fret not, even Yankees and foreigners enjoy visiting the fine residents of Tuna, Texas, especially at Christmas.