2011 BWW Seattle Awards Voting is Now Open!November 7, 2011The nominations are in and the field has been set. And now it's time for you to get out and vote for your favorites in the hopes that they will be the recipients of a 2011 BroadwayWorld Seattle Award. Who will get Best Lead Actor? Who will score Best Musical? And who will take hope our newest category of Best Local New/Original Musical/Play ?
BWW Reviews: CIRCLE MIRROR TRANSFORMATION at the Seattle RepOctober 31, 2011I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again since it keeps coming up, I personally cannot stand other people's therapy on stage. And if you must put up some theatrical therapy, at least frame it in an interesting story. And while the Seattle Rep's current production of "Circle Mirror Transformation" isn't necessarily author Annie Baker's therapy, it is the therapy for her five characters and no, they're not that interesting.
Can’t Stop the Beat: SMT’s HAIRSPRAY Rehearsal Blog – Part 4October 27, 2011Hey there kids, so it's been a crazy busy time. Desperately trying to get all the dances, songs and lines down. So owning to that and in an effort to let you hear from someone other than me, I've enlisted our very own Christine Riippi to share her views on her time with the show. Plus, I thought I would share with you the first few promo shots from the other day's photo shoot as well as a few silly ones that just aren't quite right to put on the poster. But first, without further ado, here's …
Velma's View
BWW Reviews: PIRATES OF PENZANCE from STAGErightOctober 24, 2011Traditional, proper Gilbert and Sullivan this ain't. But this scaled down version of "Pirates of Penzance" definitely packs in the laughs for those in the mood for absurdist parody. Director Brendan Mack and his zany band of actors have taken their obvious love for the show and realized how ridiculous the piece really is and then amped that silliness up to 11.
BWW Reviews: A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM from Seattle Shakespeare CompanyOctober 23, 2011There are many words I can use to describe Seattle Shakespeare Company's current production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream". But the one word that kept popping up so many times while watching it was "HOT!" This production is just plain hot as director Sheila Daniels has put together a fearless production that puts in all the love, lust and sex you could ask for while also throwing in a bit of a twist and still keeping Shakespeare's ethereal comedy true to itself and fun as hell.
BWW Reviews: SAVING AIMEE at the 5th Avenue TheatreOctober 21, 2011Saint or Sinner? That's the question that the latest new musical tryout at the 5th Avenue Theatre is wanting us to answer with the bio-musical, "Saving Aimee". Problem is, as charismatic and engaging as the lead is, the book and songs don't engage enough to care for the answer.
Can’t Stop the Beat: SMT’s HAIRSPRAY rehearsal blog – Part 3October 17, 2011Oh my holy hell! The rehearsals are keeping me hopping. Sorry for the lack of blog entries but I have been crazy busy trying to learn all those dances and songs. And I don't even have the lion's share. Our poor Tracy (Kate Moyer) only has three numbers she's not in!
BWW Reviews: DOG SEES GOD from Balagan TheatreOctober 15, 2011I guess it's just human nature to wonder what became of our beloved childhood icons when they grow up. Owe it to some sense of fictional closure if you must. And such is the subject of Balagan Theatre's season opener "Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead" by Bert V. Royal and directed by M. Elizabeth Eller as we look at the Peanuts gang as they are allowed to progress beyond their childlike state into angst ridden young adulthood. Unfortunately the current production tends to focus on the angst and not so much on the adulthood.
BWW Reviews: BLUE MAN GROUP at the ParamountOctober 8, 2011OK, so I find it an interesting coincidence that there are two (kinda) clowning shows in town right now. "Humor Abuse" over at the Rep (which I reviewed a few days ago) and now the tour of "Blue Man Group" over at the Paramount. And really the two couldn't be more different from each other. While "Humor Abuse" is subtle and sweet, "Blue Man Group" is loud and in your face. And while the latter is definitely fun, I think I prefer the former.
BWW Reviews: HUMOR ABUSE at the Seattle RepOctober 6, 2011Many of us think of our families as a big circus but Lorenzo Pisoni has special insight on the real thing as he had to run away from home in order to NOT be in the circus. Drawing from his memories growing up in the Pickle Family Circus, Pisoni and director Erica Schmidt have concocted a show that is part memoir, part clowning and all simply wonderful in "Humor Abuse", currently playing at the Seattle Rep.
BWW: 2011 Seattle Theater Awards Nominations OPEN!October 6, 2011It's that time of year again. Time to make your voices heard for your favorite shows and performances from the 2011 Seattle Theater Season. Last year's inaugural Seattle awards were so much fun that we just had to bring them back.
BWW Reviews: THE CRYPTOGRAM at Seattle Public TheaterOctober 2, 2011On the surface, Seattle Public Theater's current production of David Mamet's "The Cryptogram" is a simple family drama. But then, this is Mamet and nothing is simple. Especially when you add in his glorious language and it goes from simple story to sublime dance of words. And while I enjoyed the language and the Mamet-ness of it all, I ultimately walked away more than a little confused.
Can’t Stop the Beat: SMT’s HAIRSPRAY Rehearsal Blog – Part 2September 30, 2011So it's been a short yet productive week for me. I only had two music rehearsals myself. But we got through the intricacies of "Timeless to Me", "Welcome to the 60's" and "Can't Stop the Beat" and I love them all! But I have my work in store for me. Gotta do 'em justice.
BWW Reviews: BONSOIR LILIANE! At Teatro ZinZanniSeptember 27, 2011One part circus, one part play, one part performance art and a dash of improv for good measure, put all that together and you have Teatro ZinZanni. And for those that have never seen a Teatro ZinZanni show before (as I was before the other night) you may be a little put off by the price tag. But remember this is a show AND dinner. And if their current show "Bonsoir Liliane!" is any indication, then it's well worth it. A magical evening from beginning to end filled with hilarity, breath taking feats, and a sumptuous meal. What more could you ask for?
Can’t Stop the Beat: SMT’s HAIRSPRAY rehearsal blog – Part 1September 19, 2011In June of 2002 I had an experience that would alter my perception on how good musical theater could be. That was when I saw "Hairspray" for the first time. It was the pre-Broadway run at the 5th Avenue Theatre. I had heard a bit of "Welcome to the 60's" on the radio commercial and thought to myself, "This sounds pretty good." Little did I know what I was in for the night I saw it. Little did I know that I would be introduced to one of my favorite shows of all time and to a character that I would long to play for years to come.
BWW Reviews: TAKE ME AMERICA at Village TheatreSeptember 18, 2011Not since "Contact: The Musical" have I seen such an ill conceived new musical roll into town. But the latest new musical to get a mainstage run at Village Theatre brought up from their "Village Originals Festival"; "Take Me America" is just that.
BWW Reviews: MARY STUART at ACTSeptember 16, 2011Political intrigue, shifting loyalties and two powerhouses vying for victory over the other while advisors whisper their own agendas in their ears. No, it's not the upcoming Presidential campaign although one does resonate with the other. No, this is ACT's production of "Mary Stuart" directed by Victor Pappas and starring two grande dames of local theater, Anne Allgood and Suzanne Bouchard. And with this much history and pedigree on stage, what you end up with is a cutting machination woven together with humor, heart and venom.
BWW Reviews: THE PAJAMA GAME at Seattle Musical TheatreSeptember 10, 2011Seattle Musical Theatre is starting off their new season of musicals through the decades with the 50's tuner, "The Pajama Game" by George Abbott, Richard Bissell, Richard Adler and Jerry Ross and direction from local theater veteran David Edward Hughes. With an evening full of fun and frothy numbers the watchword for the evening could really only be described as "hot" but in both good and bad ways.
BWW Interviews: Spotlight on David Edward Hughes & Harry Turpin from SMT’s PAJAMA GAMEAugust 29, 2011Seattle Musical Theatre is not only bringing back a "humdinger" of an old classic but also has two local theater veterans at the helm. Theater Critic/Actor/Producer/Director David Edward Hughes and Actor/Choreographer Harry Turpin take on this fun and frothy charmer. Add to that two up and coming local powerhouses, Derek Hansen and Kirsten deLohr Helland in the leads of Sid, the pajama factory's new foreman and Babe, the union leader who's just looking for another seven and a half cents an hour and there's bound to be some "Steam Heat" with this show.
I recently sat down with director Hughes and choreographer Turpin to take a look as their careers, lives and of course how it is playing 'The Pajama Game'.
BWW Reviews: PORGY AND BESS at the Seattle OperaAugust 20, 2011Right from the first few notes of the overture, whether you're familiar with the show or not, a musical theater lover's ears will register the familiar lilt of a Gershwin melody reminiscent of "Rhapsody in Blue" and cause you to settle in your seat a little more with a contended sigh. At least that's what happened to this musical theater lover as he ventured just a little outside his normal realm and into the world of opera to catch Seattle Opera's breathtaking production of "Porgy and Bess".