James Sims - Sofa Snark: Adam Lambert's Disco Fever on American IdolApril 22, 2009It?s officially time for every other contestant to throw in the towel, because nothing can stop Adam at this point. ?If I Can?t Have You? brought Paula to tears, although that?s not a challenge, but it got Simon to call the performance ?immaculate.? Abdul is drooling as is the music industry...
TV: Kate Shindle in Rehearsal for NYMF's 'BEST OF THE FEST'April 19, 2009New York Musical Theater Festival will kick off its sixth season with a Gala Celebration of its first five years, called BEST OF THE FEST, on Monday, April 20th at 7 PM at New World Stages (340 West 50th Street, between 8th and 9th Avenues).
TV Exclusive: 'BETTY'S BACK' - Buckley Sings 'CARRIE'March 1, 2009BroadwayWorld is proud to present the third webisode in our exclusive series 'Betty's Back.' This week shows Buckley reminiscing of her short-lived stint in the Broadway musical Carrie, before launching into the song 'When There's No One.'
TV EXCLUSIVE: 'LIZA'S AT THE PALACE' At...Barnes & NobleFebruary 20, 2009Liza Minnelli kicked-off the new release with a 'singing & signing' event at Barnes & Noble store, she was joined by her Broadway co-stars (who are also featured on the cd), Johnny Rodgers, Cortes Alexander, Jim Caruso and Tiger Martina. Billy Stritch led the evening on piano as musical director, BWW TV was there to cheer along as the iconic Minnelli made the night a special standing room only event!
TV: Joan Rivers Talks Books, Broadway & MoreFebruary 19, 2009Comedy icon Joan Rivers met her fans at the Barnes & Noble at Lincoln Square, as she signed copies of her two newly published titles. BWW TV was there to spend the evening with the entertainment legend!
Op-Ed: Death of a Theatre CriticFebruary 17, 2009It was with great dismay that I read a recent notice in the Los Angeles Times of layoffs amongst the theatre critic and arts coverage world at publications including the LA Weekly, Daily Variety and the L.A. Daily News...