Review: ONE FOR MY BABY at El Portal TheatreMarch 19, 2025Scott Thompson and Fred Barton plumbed legendary composer Harold Arlen’s catalog to create the dazzling world premiere jukebox musical ONE FOR MY BABY playing now at the El Portal Theatre in North Hollywood.
Review: DEATH OF A SALESMAN at Colony TheatreJanuary 21, 2025The themes in DEATH OF A SALESMAN are universal and timeless, though that doesn’t mean they always resonate. Firmer direction and better sound would have elevated this production so that it landed with more heft.
Review: RENT at Jaxx TheatreOctober 16, 2024The beloved story of dreamers and lovers in late ’80s New York is marred by poor sound and a band that drowns the players out.
Review: CREVASSE at Victory Theatre CenterOctober 1, 2024Tom Jacobson’s script is a razor-sharp warning of how easy it is for history to repeat itself with long, dark shadows stretching across our country again.
Review: THE POLYCULE: A COMEDY OF MANNERS at Loft EnsembleSeptember 19, 2024A little more nuance to both the characters and the script would have given the show more weight. As it is, it’s quite broad, which, yes, is part of the point, but that point would be sharper if it were toned down a bit.
Review: DIDO OF IDAHO at Echo Theater CompanyAugust 15, 2024DIDO OF IDAHO is a dark comedy by Abby Rosebrock that tackles intense themes of grief, trauma, and obsession. Deftly directed by Abigail Deser, the show is powerful, pointed, and poignant with solid performances and clever staging. Another in a long-running series of knockouts from the Echo Theater Company.
Review: MURDER AFTER HOURS at Lonny Chapman TheatreAugust 6, 2024MURDER AFTER HOURS is exquisitely well done and will keep you guessing up until the affecting and surprising end. It’s well worth spending an evening in the British countryside among the snipes and snubs of the upper class at the Lonny Chapman.
Review: CLUE at Ahmanson TheatreAugust 3, 2024Filled with puns and pratfalls, mugging and mannerisms, the energy never flags in this delightful screwball comedy
Review: WENDY'S PETER PAN at Will Geer Theatricum BotanicumJune 26, 2024While WENDY’S PETER PAN would be better served by trimming the fat, focusing on more sharpened performances, and allowing its performers room to breathe, children, despite its evening start time, will likely appreciate the show more than adults who will take notice of its distracting bumps and peculiarities.
Review: REEFER MADNESS at The Reefer DenJune 18, 2024Everyone is phenomenal, from the performers to the musicians to the set director. It’s manically goofy, laugh-out-loud funny, and sexy in its degradation.
Review: MRS. DOUBTFIRE at Pantages TheatreJune 16, 2024The problem is not that it’s bad — it’s certainly serviceable — so much as it’s unmemorable. Something that should never be said about a character as dynamic as Mrs. Doubtfire.
Review: NORA at Antaeus Theatre CompanyMay 1, 2024The problem with NORA is that in the longer, three-act running time of “A Doll’s House,” Nora’s world and its inhabitants would be fleshed out so that they had depth that is not evident in this adaptation.