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Hannah Herner

Hannah Herner Hannah Herner is a journalism student at the Ohio State University. Having attended plays from a young age and dabbled in theater in adolescence, she enjoys the escape from reality that theater offers.


BWW Preview: Columbus Moving Company's MIXTAPE to Display Modern Love
BWW Preview: Columbus Moving Company's MIXTAPE to Display Modern Love
July 15, 2016

Music is the soundtrack of our lives, and becomes especially personal when encapsulated in a mixtape. It measures where we've been and where we'd like to go, telling a story. Columbus Moving Company will tell a young woman's story through dance in its production of Mixtape this weekend.

BWW Review: WEST SIDE STORY at Columbus Children's Theatre Conveys a Bigger Message
BWW Review: WEST SIDE STORY at Columbus Children's Theatre Conveys a Bigger Message
June 30, 2016

Stephen Soundheim's classic work, West Side Story has probably been performed thousands, if not a million times since it debuted on Broadway in 1957.

BWW Review: RING OF FIRE - THE MUSIC OF JOHNNY CASH indulges fans, demonstrates essence of Cash
BWW Preview: MA RAINEY'S BLACK BOTTOM Mixes Lighthearted Music with Deeper Themes
BWW Preview: MA RAINEY'S BLACK BOTTOM Mixes Lighthearted Music with Deeper Themes
June 1, 2016

The Green Room of the Garden Theater will soon be filled with fun 1920's music along with conflict and heavy themes.

BWW Review: THE KABUKI SLEEPING BEAUTY Brings to Light Japanese Traditional Theater, Caters to Children
BWW Review: THE KABUKI SLEEPING BEAUTY Brings to Light Japanese Traditional Theater, Caters to Children
May 15, 2016

CATCO is Kid's final production of the season brought the far east to Central Ohio with a new take on the classic story of sleeping beauty.

BWW Preview: Columbus Children's Theatre's CATS to Bring New Interpretation of the Polarizing, Nostalgic Show
BWW Preview: Columbus Children's Theatre's CATS to Bring New Interpretation of the Polarizing, Nostalgic Show
May 3, 2016

Love it or hate it, CATS will live another of its nine lives in Columbus. Columbus Children's Theatre's production of CATS is set to open on Thursday, May 5.
