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Greg Kerestan

Greg Kerestan

Greg Kerestan works in the greater Pittsburgh theatrical scene as an actor, musician, librettist, lyricist and composer. His musical "Tink!" was a Next Link full production selection in the 2016 New York Musical festival, and his musical "The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari" won Best New Musical or Play in the BWW Pittsburgh 2022 audience choice awards. When not seeing shows or writing shows, Greg works in government social services.


Review: BIRTHDAY CANDLES Crystallizes Moments at City Theatre
Review: BIRTHDAY CANDLES Crystallizes Moments at City Theatre
March 20, 2025

The first thing I noticed in the theatre at City Theatre's Birthday Candles was the set. I'm a longtime lover of thrift shops, junk shops and the maximalist 'detail everywhere' aesthetic of the Disney Imagineers. My companion for the night and I spent the preshow prying the set apart with our eyes (does that E mean anything? is that a flute or a clarinet in the box up there? hey, what's that in the corner there that I can't quite make out?), unaware that nearly every item in that montage would soon have a deeper meaning.

Review: KIMBERLY AKIMBO Finds Beauty in the Grotesque at Benedum Center
Review: KIMBERLY AKIMBO Finds Beauty in the Grotesque at Benedum Center
March 9, 2025

One of the oddest dramedies in recent history is also one of the most satisfyingly heartfelt.

Review: TROUBLE IN MIND Speaks Inconvenient Truths at Pittsburgh Public Theater
Review: TROUBLE IN MIND Speaks Inconvenient Truths at Pittsburgh Public Theater
February 15, 2025

It's a very good play about a very bad play. That's the capsule version of what you'll see at Justin Emeka's production of Alice Childress's once-controversial Trouble in Mind. Though written in 1955, the mix of seriousness and satire in the piece feels shockingly contemporary, both in terms of its subject matter and in terms of its tone and structure.

Review: JEKYLL & HYDE Brings the Drama at Split Stage
Review: JEKYLL & HYDE Brings the Drama at Split Stage
February 12, 2025

Frank Wildhorn's Jekyll & Hyde has long been a divisive show among theatre fans. Is it a worthy follow-up to the other literary-based megamusicals of the eighties and nineties, like Les Miserables, Martin Guerre and Miss Saigon? Or is it a trashy, boneheaded knockoff of Sweeney Todd with more power ballads and sexy dancing girls?

Review: REMEMBER JONES: JONES SINGS JONES Brings Retro Back at City Winery
Review: REMEMBER JONES: JONES SINGS JONES Brings Retro Back at City Winery
February 3, 2025

Remember Jones is funny, but he isn't a joke. There's a knowing kitsch value to the cabaret artist turned rock revue revivalist's stage presence: he looks like Elton John, dresses like Liberace and sings like Joe Cocker, on a stage full of bandstands and matching-jacketed musicians. But this isn't a parody of a Vegas show. What Jones and company are doing is a lot more daring than parody: a genuine revival of that sort of big-band rock showmanship for the neo-soul era. And it works.

Review: LIFE OF PI Is Existentialist Magic at Benedum Center
Review: LIFE OF PI Is Existentialist Magic at Benedum Center
January 30, 2025

In some ways, Lolita Chakrabarti's Life of Pi, adapted from the novel by Yann Martel and directed by Max Webster, can feel like a grown-up version of the puppet-heavy visual multimedia spectacles often seen in high-end children's theatre.

Review: A SHERLOCK CAROL Blends Dickens and Doyle at Kinetic Theatre
Review: A SHERLOCK CAROL Blends Dickens and Doyle at Kinetic Theatre
December 18, 2024

It has long been posited that Sherlock Holmes is difficult to adapt well, because the nature of Arthur Conan Doyle's 'Sherlock Universe' is so fragmented. Most of his memorable characters apppear only once and rarely interact; even more vexing, Holmes's own behaviors vary from the misanthropic and cold to the joyful and gregarious. How, then, does one construct the ultimate Sherlock Holmes story?

Review: A MUSICAL CHRISTMAS CAROL & WHO'S HOLIDAY Revive Holiday Traditions at Pittsburgh CLO
Review: A MUSICAL CHRISTMAS CAROL & WHO'S HOLIDAY Revive Holiday Traditions at Pittsburgh CLO
December 15, 2024

CLO's seasonal favorites may not be new, but they have yet to wear out their welcome.

Review: FRONT PORCH CABARET Sings the Hits at Front Porch Theatricals
Review: FRONT PORCH CABARET Sings the Hits at Front Porch Theatricals
December 4, 2024

I keep saying it and it keeps being true: it doesn't really matter what Front Porch announces for their season, because 'Front Porch Presents' is a strong enough endorsement on its own. If you told me Front Porch was presenting a notorious snooze like In My Life or Lestat, I'd put my preconceived notions aside and go in expecting one of the best things I'd ever seen. Lucky for us, Front porch is NOT presenting any snoozes this season: they're presenting Maltby and Shire's Baby in the spring, and Sondheim's Sunday in the Park with George in the summer. They're great choices, underrepresented shows in the Pittsburgh area without being totally alien like A My Name Is Still Alice, which was supposedly NEVER produced as a fully staged musical until this past season.

Review: MJ Explores an Enigma at Benedum Center
Review: MJ Explores an Enigma at Benedum Center
November 21, 2024

Like the King of Pop himself, this adventurous jukebox psychodrama blends darkness with joy.

Review: THE CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI Is A Dark Dream at Quantum Theatre
Review: THE CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI Is A Dark Dream at Quantum Theatre
November 11, 2024

Out of nowhere, the silent film classic The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari rocketed back into the zeitgeist about five years ago. It's name dropped, adapted, referenced everywhere from art films to children's cartoons.

Review: & JULIET Fuses Pop and Art at Benedum Center
Review: & JULIET Fuses Pop and Art at Benedum Center
November 3, 2024

Max Martin's songs have never made more sense than they do in this jukebox confection.

Review: POTUS Brings Serious Laughs to Serious Issues at City Theatre
Review: POTUS Brings Serious Laughs to Serious Issues at City Theatre
October 2, 2024

City Theatre's brand, the last decade or so, has often been less is more. Tiny casts, simple sets, show don't tell, but also don't show. The last two or three seasons have included an increased focus on immersive unit sets, but the principle still stood... not anymore, though.

Review: BANDSTAND Breaks New Ground at Front Porch Theatricals
Review: BANDSTAND Breaks New Ground at Front Porch Theatricals
August 20, 2024

Front Porch's biggest show yet is also one of its best.

Review: A MOON FOR THE MISBEGOTTEN Drops Jaws, Bombshells at Quantum Theatre
Review: A MOON FOR THE MISBEGOTTEN Drops Jaws, Bombshells at Quantum Theatre
August 20, 2024

Swerving between low comedy and high tragedy, this outdoor O'Neill drama stuns and swelters, even on cool nights.

Review: SEUSSICAL Is Eighty Minutes of Musical Heaven at Pittsburgh CLO
Review: SEUSSICAL Is Eighty Minutes of Musical Heaven at Pittsburgh CLO
August 1, 2024

The summer season ends with this kid-friendly spectacular.

Review: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN Makes for a Monster Hit at Pittsburgh CLO
Review: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN Makes for a Monster Hit at Pittsburgh CLO
July 22, 2024

Sometimes, smaller, dumber and cheaper is a compliment, not a put-down, as in this miniaturized Mel Brooks classic.

Review: CHEEK TO CHEEK Is Sincerely Old-Fashioned at Saint Vincent Summer Theatre
Review: CHEEK TO CHEEK Is Sincerely Old-Fashioned at Saint Vincent Summer Theatre
July 18, 2024

Irving Berlin's songs are both timeless, and also thoroughly of their own time and place.

Review: VERY BERRY DEAD Makes a Big Impression at Big Storm Performance Company
Review: VERY BERRY DEAD Makes a Big Impression at Big Storm Performance Company
July 14, 2024

José Pérez IV's new tragicomedy feels like it's always been around, but still remains refreshing and new.

Review: THE MUSIC MAN Is Still Charming at Pittsburgh CLO
Review: THE MUSIC MAN Is Still Charming at Pittsburgh CLO
July 11, 2024

I'll admit, I had a huge smile on my face all the way through The Music Man that had little to nothing to do with the production itself. You see, I'm a nerd and a theatre kid in my thirties, and to that demographic, there was a cultural phenomenon just as big as Monty Python and Star Trek were to Gen X. I refer, of course, to the legendary ABC comedy variety show, Whose Line Is It Anyway. Seeing Charles Esten (who you may recall by his improv-era stage name Chip Esten) appear onstage and flash that memorable toothy grin for the first time, I felt like I was transported back to fifth grade again. This was just the first pleasure in an altogether lovely evening of theatre: the artistic equivalent of a good old-fashioned picnic.
