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Erin Resnick

A Baltimore, Maryland native living in NYC, Erin has a passion for all things television and theater. After graduating in 2011 from Towson University with a Mass Communications degree, Erin developed a love for reviewing and critiquing television. Original content can be found at and can also be found tweeting about TV, Broadway shows, and sloths @enr702.


BWW Recap: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Says So long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Good Night to Elena Gilbert
BWW Recap: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Says So long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Good Night to Elena Gilbert
May 14, 2015

When news dropped of Nina Dobrev's departure from THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, fans everywhere clamored for answers and solace. Why was she leaving? How would she leave? Would she die? Would a mermaid-unicorn hybrid sire her into the deep underworld? It's always tricky when writing a main character off a television show, especially when said actor has decided to leave on his or her own terms. This week's season finale of TVD, entitled 'I'm Thinking of You All the While,' not only said a final goodbye to Nina Dobrev's Elena Gilbert (and all her doppelgänger counterparts), but Michael Trevino's wolfy Tyler Lockwood as well. And although their goodbyes were permanent, they still left the door wide open for compelling storytelling as the show moves into a new season and brand new territory.

BWW Recap: Here Comes the Bride on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES
BWW Recap: Here Comes the Bride on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES
May 7, 2015

Here comes the bride, all dressed in white. Here come's the bride, getting stabbed by her twin brother before she can say 'I Do.' This season's penultimate episode THE VAMPIRE DIARIES brought not only a disaster of a wedding and the return of everyone's crazy hunk of a witch, but set up Nina Dobrev's sure to be bittersweet exit from the series.

BWW Recap: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Throws a Bloody Bachelorette Party
BWW Recap: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Throws a Bloody Bachelorette Party
April 30, 2015

Wedding bells are in the air on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES as Jo and Alaric were forced into a bachelor/bachelorette weekend, meaning a bunch of supernatural creatures were throwing the to-be newlyweds parties involving strippers, loud, raging parties, and non-alcoholic milkshakes.

BWW Recap: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Relaxes at a Killer B&B
BWW Recap: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Relaxes at a Killer B&B
April 23, 2015

Nothing says romance more than a bed & breakfast. Cute homes, delicious food, a real feel of being at home while being on vacation. Bed and breakfast's make even better prisons, especially when that prison holds gorgeous vampires trying to flip the humanity switch of their best friends. This week's episode of THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, entitled “Because,” was charged with emotion, misplaced motherly instincts, and truths flying every witch (terrible pun intended) way.

BWW Recap: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Performs Killer Karaoke
BWW Recap: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Performs Killer Karaoke
April 16, 2015

When in doubt, karaoke! That's the theme of THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, a show about death, destruction, sex, and the supernatural. No matter what hijinks you end up in, karaoke will be sure to start a conversation about your existential life crises, if not annoy every person in your immediate area. This week's episode, entitled 'I Could Never Love Like That,' included questionable doctor ethics, flashbacks of the turn of the century variety, and Whitmore officially becoming the worst college in America.

BWW Recap: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Releases a 'Bird in a Gilded Cage'
BWW Recap: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Releases a 'Bird in a Gilded Cage'
March 19, 2015

It's Spring Break! Which means our favorite characters of THE VAMPIRE DIARIES were off to celebrate and get wild in paradise aka the empty dormitories of Whitmore College and a frozen 1903 prison world. This week's episode, entitled 'Bird in a Gilded Cage,' reunited mother and son, brought a relationship to the bloody next level, and reintroduced a McGuffin we had all wished to forget about.

BWW Recap: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Turns It Off Like a Light Switch
BWW Recap: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Turns It Off Like a Light Switch
March 12, 2015

There's always a lot put at stake (literally and figuartively) when a vampire shuts off their humanity switch on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES. But what some would call a downward spiral into villain territory, I call a darn good time. Vampires deciding to take the road less felt on TVD has always showcased some of the best hours for the show and it sure didn't stop with Caroline on this week's Ian Somerhalder directed episode, entitled 'The Downward Spiral.'

BWW Recap: Behind Every Great Vampire is a Mother on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES
BWW Recap: Behind Every Great Vampire is a Mother on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES
February 19, 2015

If last week's sob fest wasn't enough to wreck you in the emotions department, this week's episode of THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, entitled “Let Her Go,” reminded us, “Hey! We love watching you cry!”

BWW Recap: A Biblical Showdown on SUPERNATURAL
BWW Recap: A Biblical Showdown on SUPERNATURAL
February 17, 2015

Mom's can be so embarrassing sometimes. One minute they're trying to set you up with the doctor down the street then they're wiping food off your face with their saliva-covered finger. It's even worse when they're criticizing the way you're doing your job, especially when they're an all-powerful, hundreds of years old witch with a bad case of narcissism.

BWW Recap: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Says Two Heartbreaking Goodbyes
BWW Recap: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Says Two Heartbreaking Goodbyes
February 12, 2015

Death is never finite on a show like THE VAMPIRE DIARIES. Characters die and are resurrected on an almost weekly basis. There seems to be no consequences when it comes to living and dying, so when a character finally does pass from a very human disease, it's not only shocking, but also gut-wrenching. Tonight's episode, entitled 'Stay,' tapped into the very real emotions attached to death as the show said goodbye to one of its original characters.

BWW Recap: SUPERNATURAL Teaches a Lesson in Internet Safety
BWW Recap: SUPERNATURAL Teaches a Lesson in Internet Safety
February 11, 2015

Remember that infamous Nationwide commercial from the Superbowl? You know which one I'm talking about; the one where the poor kid can't play or get cooties because he died in a car accident. Not only was that ad completely horrifying, but also served no real purpose in the grand scheme of things. Sorry, Nationwide, but you aren't going to prevent a fatal and horrible car accident just because someone bought your insurance. Tonight's episode of SUPERNATURAL, entitled 'Halt & Catch Fire,' was a better PSA, warning us that if you cause an accident you better beware of those angry spirits.

BWW Recap: Emotions Take the Cake on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES
BWW Recap: Emotions Take the Cake on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES
February 5, 2015

If there is one thing THE VAMPIRE DIARIES exceeds in, it's eliciting emotions. Whether it's making your heart break into pieces as you watch a character cry over the death of their parent or making you feel like rushing over to your TV and shaking it until your favorite character pairing kisses, the vampire show has that special knack. This week's episode, entitled 'The Day I Tried to Live,' took all our emotions and merged them into a psychotic witch recently back from his successful attempt at murdering his brother and becoming head of a crazy witch coven.

BWW Recap: Teen Dean Shakes It Off on SUPERNATURAL
BWW Recap: Teen Dean Shakes It Off on SUPERNATURAL
February 3, 2015

If you could transform back into your teen self for a day, what would you do? Cause some mischief? Attend that One Direction concert you had been too embarrassed to go to before? Run to the nearest FAO Schwartz and play on their giant-sized foot piano? The possibilities are endless. Tuesday's episode of SUPERNATURAL, entitled 'About a Boy,' not only re-introduced us to teen Dean, but instilled a fear of childhood fairytales inside all of us.

BWW Recap: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Says a 'Prayer for the Dying'
BWW Recap: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Says a 'Prayer for the Dying'
January 29, 2015

What have you guys merged with lately? Your twin? Your brother who is technically 18 years older than you but because of witchy circumstances is actually the same age as you physically? Me personally, I merged with a box of ranch flavored Wheat Thins. It was a stressful job, but not as stressful as the Parker family's life on tonight's episode of THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, entitled 'Prayer for the Dying,' which included a real death, a vampire death, and an almost death.

BWW Recap: SUPERNATURAL Clicks Its Heals and Repeats 'There's No Place Like Home'
BWW Recap: SUPERNATURAL Clicks Its Heals and Repeats 'There's No Place Like Home'
January 27, 2015

There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home. This week's episode of SUPERNATURAL had returned Charlie from her path down the yellow brick road, hell-bent on torture. A striking difference from the lovable, hacker Charlie the audience had grown to love.

BWW Recap: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Uncloaks its Midseason Premiere
BWW Recap: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Uncloaks its Midseason Premiere
January 22, 2015

Did everyone have a good holiday? I hope it was spent singing carols with your family and drinking spiked eggnog. Or maybe you all went to see INTO THE WOODS and got extremely mad when your aunt Marge started singing along with the opening credits. Either way, if you spent it enjoying yourself and not getting kidnapped by an angry, powerful witch then you were one step ahead of Elena Gilbert. THE VAMPIRE DIARIES returned this week and as the title suggests, Elena literally 'Woke Up With a Monster.'

BWW Recap: SUPERNATURAL Participates in 'The Hunter Games'
BWW Recap: SUPERNATURAL Participates in 'The Hunter Games'
January 20, 2015

When we last left the Winchesters, Dean had finally cracked under the pressure and curse of the Mark of Cain. Unable to teeter the edge any longer, the elder Winchester had slaughtered an entire house of humans, albeit terrible ones. He had been suffering from Mark induced nightmares that had finally come into fruition in the last moment, in order to feed his thirst for murder and chaos, and in his eyes, save himself. Sam looked on in horror as he looked into his brothers cold, unforgiving eyes.

BWW Recap: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES is Home for the Holidays
December 11, 2014

Let's address one thing, if you are a resident of Mystic Falls ambiguously aged between 18-27, you should be getting on your knees and thanking the heavens that your parents are alive. It's much more shocking to have living relatives in a town of 5 people. Unfortunately for our favorite gang of vampires, witches, and supernatural beings galore, any death or terminal illness of a parent or relative is a heartbreaking shock that can only be remedied with bourbon and decorating Christmas tress.

BWW Recap: Sweet Dreams Are Made of Murder on SUPERNATURAL
December 9, 2014

One time I dreamed that a polar bear named Charles broke into my room, demanded I follow him, and took me on a night of crazy adventures that ended in butterfly tattoos, a pool of chocolate pudding, and a binge watch of every episode of ALF. When I awoke it took me a few minutes to adjust; I couldn't decipher dream from reality, even finding chocolate pudding in my unmentionables. Anyway, what I'm saying is, don't take your dreams lightly. You never know when you may be forced to watch ALF or murder an entire room of loan sharks.

BWW Recap: Real Villains Wear Skinny Jeans on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES
December 4, 2014

Jobs are very important. You need to make sure you're trained correctly while doing your job to the best of your ability, and taking every precaution that an evil, magic-sucking witch doesn't come wandering into your place of employment demanding Zima. It's even worse when said witch is your brother and probably wants to murder you a ton. Tonight's episode of THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, entitled 'I Alone,' included a death, a family reunion, and a case of really bad ID checking.
