BWW Interview: Carla Cackowski Talks THE MYSTERY OF IRMA VEP - A PENNY DREADFULSeptember 26, 2019Director Carla Cackowski is delighted to be making her Actors Co-op debut with this wonderfully ridiculous play. Recent credits include directing shows at The Second City (LA), Curious Comedy Theater (Portland, OR), and Stephnie Weir's one woman show, Vanona Ray at the Comedy Central Stage. She regularly tours around the world performing comedic improv with her two person show Orange Tuxedo. Recent tours include the Copenhagen International Improv Festival, the Vancouver International Improv Fest, and the Warsaw Improv Festival. Carla proudly serves on the Board of Directors at Kickstand Comedy, a non-profit theater that seeks to serve the needs of the community, providing programming and educational outreach that helps people laugh, connect, and thrive together. She is about to open The Mystery of Irma Vep - A Penny Dreadful at Actors Co-op on October 4.
BWW Review: GRUMPY OLD MEN THE MUSICAL Is a Fun Night OutSeptember 23, 2019Grumpy Old Men The Musical/book by Dan Remmes/music by Neil Berg/lyrics by Nick Meglin/adapted from the Warner Bros motion picture written by Mark Steven Johnson/directed by Matt Lenz/choreographed by Michele Lynch/musical direction byBenet Bralin/La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts/through October 13
Taking place in Wabasha, Minnesota in present time, Grumpy Old Men The Musical follows many old-fashioned musical storylines like The Fantastiks, White Christmas and others that deal with a community of family and friends who live in a small town ... where everyone knows everyone else's business. Now in its West Coast premiere at La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts, Grumpy Old Men is nice fun with a splendid cast headed by special guest star Hal Linden and featuring audience favorite Cathy Rigby.
BWW Interview: Ari Stidham Talks EDGAR ALLAN SHOW, Poe That IsSeptember 20, 2019The Edgar Allan Show is about to open at the Two Roads Theatre in Studio City. With material from Poe's famous stories rewritten in a silly vein and original music by Ari Stidham, you are bound to knock your socks off. Here's what Stidham has to say for his work.
Just how silly is your show? I love Edgar A. Poe, but am usually prepared to be scared out of my wits.
BWW Review: Jenelle Lynn Randall Brings Eartha Kitt to Feinstein'sSeptember 18, 2019Actress/singer Jenelle Lynn Randall got raves for her participation in this year's Hollywood Fringe Festival. She premiered her one woman play with music about the life of actress/songstress Eartha Kitt entitled I Wanna Be Evil: The Eartha Kitt Story. For one night only Randall brought her evening to Feinstein's at Vitello's on Monday September 16 and was totally engaging, sparking a great big hit.
Kitt was sultry with a purr that would stop a clock. Born into poverty as a plantation
BWW Review: Funny and Sad SKINTIGHT Hits the MarkSeptember 14, 2019I had the following to say about playwright Joshua Harmon' s play Bad Jews: 'Excessively harsh reality is at the core of most contemporary dramedies. A character cannot be rude or abrasive enough to arouse a viewer's attention or glean laughs. It's particularly characteristic of the irritating females who talk too fast, too loud and scream their shrewish lungs out. It makes me happy that I live alone; and yes, I do care and respect others and their feelings; but, being pleasant nowadays is considered boring and in drama, it will never win awards, so on with the show. ' Harmon's current play Skintight is receiving its West Coast premiere at the Geffen Playhouse and star Idina Menzel's character Jodi is another shrewish female, selfish and most definitely in need of a lesson or two about how to treat others. The play has already been extended through October 12. It boasts a dynamic six person cast and is worth your time.
BWW Interview: Actor Hal Linden Talks GRUMPY OLD MENSeptember 13, 2019Beloved actor Hal Linden of TV's Barney Miller is equally famous for his Broadway appearances including the recipient of a Tony Award for Best Actor in a Musical for 1971's The Rothschilds. He is about to open on September 20 at La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts in the West Coast premiere of the new musical Grumpy Old Men.
BWW Interview: Gilbert Smith, President of the Montalban, Talks Golden Eagle AwardsSeptember 11, 2019I marvel at the work of the Montalban Theatre. I have noticed how the theatre has really maintained itself over the years and improved so much with all the Latino events and concerts with an emphasis on supporting all of our talented performers regardless of race, religion or creed. We are a community and need to reflect that in all we do. When I asked to speak with Gilbert Smith, President of the Montalban Company, LLC, he enthusiastically provided the following answers to our questions.
BWW Review: John Leguizamo Is Scathingly Funny in LATIN HISTORY for MORONSSeptember 10, 2019When does a one person show click into high gear? Only when the actor in question is up to it. Such is certainly the case with John Leguizamo in his Latin History for Morons now onstage at the Ahmanson through October 20. Tony winning funnyman Leguizamo is a must see. Why? The minute he takes the stage entering a classroom, he charges into the moment with a fury, stopping the applause, 'People, stop! We've got a lot of work to do here and very little time to do it in. I've got to undo your whole education and the entire way you think.' Performing like a teacher, he tries his utmost to do away with the theory of Columbus discovering America and make his ancestors, the Tainos, the rightful heirs to this country.
BWW Listing: Actors Co-op About To Wind Up Staged Reading SeriesSeptember 5, 2019Actors Co-op Theatre Company has been doing a special series of staged readings over the last couple of weeks. Those remaining will be presented over the course of this weekend starting tonight.
The Mis-Leading Lady, written by: Jay Quantrill will be performed by: Greg Martin. Struggling classical actress Liliana wants her family back. More than her charm, cunning and theatrical skill will be needed to get Spenser to listen a?" really listen. The best way? Take him on a journey through the world's great comedies and tragedies. The play will be read Thursday, September 5th at 8:00 p.m. and Saturday, September 7th, 8:00 p.m. Talk back with the playwright and cast to follow the show. *
BWW Review: BODYGUARD THE MUSICAL Blows the Roof Off Candlelight PavilionSeptember 3, 2019The Bodyguard The Musical/based on the film with screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan/book by Alexander Dinelarissir/music: the hit songs of Whitney Houston/directed by John LaLonde/choreography by John Vaughan/musical director: Kevin Casio/Candlelight Pavilion Dinner Theatre, Claremont/through September 28
As much as I admired Whitney Houston's phenomenal vocal instrument, I did not much care for 1992's movie of The Bodyguard. Apart from the music, I found it relatively boring. Houston's role Rachel Marron seemed of lesser focus than that of her bodyguard played by Kevin Costner, and maybe screenwriter Kasdan didn't feel that Houston, in her first film, could cut the acting. Now onstage in a revamped version, The Bodyguard The Musical took my breath away from moment to moment. The focus here is on Rachel Marron (Daebreon Poiema) and her sister Nicki (Deanna Anthony) who sing the hel
BWW Listing: Staged Readings Continue at Actors CoopAugust 27, 2019WORDS
Actors Co-op Theatre Company presents a staged reading of Tony Muscio's Words directed by David Atkinson, performed by Joe Barone, Townsend Coleman and Selah Victor. After rejecting young Tom Mitchell's request to be his assistant, curmudgeonly writer Donald Steinman finds that his film producer daughter has hired him anyway. The motley pair struggles to find common ground as they work on Steinman's latest screenplay, a feature about John D. Rockefeller. As they battle the stalled-out project, they find that the power of words extends far beyond the page.
Saturday, August 31st at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, September 1st at 2:30 p.m. Talk back with the playwright, cast and director to follow the show. *

BWW Interview: Terra Taylor Knudson Talks WILLY'S LIL VIRGIN QUEENAugust 26, 2019Actress/Playwright Terra Taylor Knudson is about to open her award-winning solo show Willy's Lil Virgin Queen at the Garage Theatre in Long Beach after Labor Day. In our conversation she talks about why Shakespeare's work is so important to her and gives welcome advice to our readers on how to fully understand and appreciate him more.
Actress/Playwright Terra Taylor Knudson is about to open her award-winning solo show Willy's Lil Virgin Queen at the Garage Theatre in Long Beach after Labor Day. In our conversation she talks about why Shakespeare's work is so important to her and gives welcome advice to our readers on how to fully understand and appreciate him more.
Willy's Lil Virgin Queen sounds delightful. Tell us about how you and Shakespeare first got acquainted.
TTK: I grew up in Bouldeilly's Lil Virgin Queen sounds delightful. Tell us about how you and Shakespeare first got acquainted.
TTK: I grew up in Boulde
BWW Review: Mark Winkler Fills Feinstein's Upstairs at Vitello's With JoyAugust 25, 2019Singer/songwriter Mark Winkler appeared at Feinstein's Upstairs at Vitello's Friday August 23 for a CD release party of his new album I'm With You Mark Winkler Sings Bobby Troup. Playing to a SRO house, Winkler wowed his audience by simply being his warm, personable, engaging self. He possesses a splendid vocal instrument that can cover a variety of styles, but, as shown here mostly jazz and pop. He does not push. The lush tones flow from him quite naturally. One might compare him to Jack Jones, Perry Como. He deserves without question to be among the greats.
BWW Review: Odalys Nanin Produces Her Love Struck in Outstanding Benefit PerformancesAugust 19, 2019Lovestruck/by Odalys Nanin and Marie Barrientos/directed by Odalys Nanin/Zephyr Theatre/CLOSED
Benefit performances of this sparkling play Lovestruck by Odalys Nanin and Marie Barrientos were held August 16, 17 and 18 to sold out audiences at the Zephyr Theatre on Melrose in Hollywood. It is one of Macha Theatre's most popular plays alongside Garbo's Cuban Lover and Frida Stroke of Passion, one that is often requested. Perhaps because it is about romance, in this case between two women, a Cuban named Laura (Odalys Nanin) and the other American by the name of Rachel (Tricia Cruz). It is a winner in my book because it zips along with a serious look at the ups and downs of a relationship but never without a glorious sense of humor.
BWW Listing: Actors Coop Presents Four Staged ReadingsAugust 19, 2019RIGHTEOUS AMONG US
Actors Co-op Theatre Company presents a staged reading of Amy Tofte's Righteous Among Us, directed by: Heather Chesley, performed by Kay Bess, Deborah Marlowe & Kimi Walker. A researcher at a civil rights museum collects oral histories from the ancestors of those who saved Jews during the Holocaust and of those who were saved. When she uncovers one hero family's legend is a lie, she must not only break the news to all involved and shatter the myth. but also come to terms with her own need to find heroes and good intentions among regular people. Saturday, August 24th, 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, August 25th 2:30 p.m. Talk back with playwright, cast and director to follow the show. Suggested Donation $10. Free to 2019-2020 Season Subscribers.Information/Tickets Co-op David Schall
BWW Interview: Linda Alznauer Talks OTHERWISE ENGAGEDAugust 16, 2019Director/actress Linda Alznauer directed Trapped at Tea Time at the 2018 Hollywood Fringe Festival and Arthur Miller's All My Sons at Upstairs-at-the-Group-Rep (2018). Also Upstairs at the Group Rep, she directed and appeared in And Miss Reardon Drinks a Little by Paul Zindel (2017) and Another Antigone by A.R. Gurney (2016). Other LA credits include Tom Stoppard's The Real Thing at Two Roads Theater in Studio City (2014) and Visiting Oliver at JET Studios in NoHo (2014). NY credits include Blind Date at Open Pulse One Act Festival on Theater Row. Linda is a graduate of the USC Film School. She has recently opened Otherwise Engaged at Upstairs at the Group Rep.
BWW Review: Singer Robert Collins Performs a Knockout Debut CabaretAugust 12, 2019Singer Robert Collins, winner of LA's Next Great Stage Star 2018 Presented by Princess Cruises, has a powerhouse voice, so to say that he knocked his debut LA cabaret show out of the park goes without saying. Playing to a soldout audience of family and friends, many from the contest, Collins displayed a, friendly charm that makes him perfect for cabaret. You have to connect with your audience, and Collins does so in spades. Backing him in the 70-minute show was marvelous pianist/musical director Michael Ragonese.