BWW Review: Kookoo For the BAROCOCO Poufs of Happenstance at Theatre ProjectNovember 6, 2018BAROCOCO is all-of-a-piece, a day in the life, or perhaps a year elapses. It's hard to tell. It's a study in contrasts, a lace-trimmed veil across the face of Godot. It's resplendent and silly, ridiculous and desolate, hilarious and horrible. In BAROCOCO, Happenstance Theatre is making Important Social Commentary. A historic piece which is currently relevant, beautiful and funny is a rarity in the world. Treat yourself to this fabulously stunning morsel of meaningful ephemera.
BWW Review: If you AIN'T MISBEHAVIN' At Toby's, Why Not?September 28, 2018Are you looking for a rollicking good cabaret show and a hearty meal? Are you in the mood for a musical history lesson? How about both? Toby's in Columbia presents AIN'T MISBEHAVIN,' The Fats Waller Musical Show through November 4th, and you should sit right down and buy yourself a ticket.
BWW Review: SWEENEY TODD Rages Into REP Stage's Horowitz Theater at HCCSeptember 13, 2018REP delivers a punk treatment of Sweeney Todd that is astoundingly compact, hideously dynamic and impressively submersive. The set is efficiently arranged, a versatile, vertically integrated playing space, full of grunge and London-isms. The Company members display powerful, accurate and impressive vocal prowess. Every one of them is physically precise, flexible and compelling. Director Joseph Ritsch has confidence in his cast's ability to manage multiple roles, so they form the Ensemble as well. This retro-modern treatment of Sondheim's popular opera makes salient points about who are the most fragile and disenfranchised people of a community and the destructive powers of a personal agenda.
Thank You For The Music of MAMMA MIA! At Toby'sJuly 8, 2018Musical theatre is about happy endings: if you like them, see MAMMA MIA!, at Toby's through September 9th. Heather Marie Beck and Maggie Dransfield as mother and daughter Donna and Sophie Sheridan are delightful and heartwarming. Disco, universally accepted as delicious, is the keystone of this show, whether or not you love or have heard of ABBA. In today's tumult, an escape to a tropical paradise where conflict stems from wedding angst and family drama seems a wonderful notion.
BWW Review: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN Is Monstrous Great Fun At Toby's In ColumbiaFebruary 12, 2018YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, THE MUSICAL is packed with horrifying puns, die-laughing comedy, frightfully fabulous wigs, knock-em-dead singing and every iconic line you loved from the movie- Get tickets now to see it through Marc 11 at Toby's Dinner Theatre in Columbia and avoid horrified screams of disappointment.
BWW Review: Let THE REVOLUTIONISTS Spin You Right Round at Everyman TheatreDecember 14, 2017Playwright Lauren Gunderson, who marches boldly where political correctness fears to tread, delivers a stylized rendition of female revolutionaries, one famous, two obscure, one invented, reminding us that history is not only written by the victors, it's written by men. Director Casey Stangl presents a snappy, suspenseful, tense drama that is curiously chock-full of comedy. Everyman's resident actors and supporting artists are gifted in their range and variety.
BWW Review: Experience a MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET at Toby's in ColumbiaDecember 11, 2017Toby's Dinner Theatre in Columbia unwraps Meredith Willson's MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET, THE MUSICAL, which has enough sweetness to suit the season, enough sass to not be saccharin, and the delightful song 'It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas.' The many beautiful ensemble numbers that feature Macy's employees or happy holiday shoppers in their happy holiday coats and hats deliver a cozy, satisfying sugarplum, with moments of pure delight.
BWW Review: Tickled Pink by THE COLOR PURPLE at Baltimore's HippodromeOctober 21, 2017THE COLOR PURPLE The Musical at the Hippodrome is a joy and a delight. The dramatic, often painful, sometimes hilarious story and the strong, well-defined characters function at a masterful theatrical level. Don't miss this one, hurry and buy a ticket. You will not be disappointed.
BWW Review: New Leading Lady Narrates An Amazing Technicolor JOSEPH At Toby's In ColumbiaJuly 15, 2017In celebration of Columbia's 50th year, Toby Orenstein, Artistic Director of Toby's Dinner Theatre in Columbia, rotates one powerhouse leading lady per decade into the well-written Narrator role of JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT. Toby Orenstein and co-director Mark Minnick put together a fun, energetic production. Add new arrangements and musical direction by Ross Scott Rawlings, and the resulting show is engaging, sassy, funny, family-friendly and stuffed with talking points for the car ride home.
BWW Review: Heritage Players Perform Tuneful Feats Of Fun And Fantasy With SEUSSICAL THE MUSICAL.July 14, 2017If you're anywhere close to Catonsville, if you have (or have access to) children between 4 and 14, do your family a favor and come see SEUSSICAL THE MUSICAL, playing for one more weekend at the Rice Auditorium on the Spring Grove campus. It's a bright, juicy popsicle of a show, with fast moving action, familiar characters, child actors, audience interaction, and a temperature-controlled environment.
BWW Review: Everyman Makes A Ruckus With NOISES OFFMay 26, 2017Everyman Theatre pays exquisite attention to detail and creates an astounding feat of comedy in its production of NOISES OFF. The cast demonstrates comedic chops and executes pratfalls and buffoonery with commitment and perfect timing. Do yourself, your lungs and your liver a favor and laugh at the raucous riot. Don't be surprised if you find yourself craving sardines afterwards.
BWW Review: BEAUTY AND THE BEAST at Toby's Enchants Young And OldApril 8, 2017If you love Disney's BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, there's not a single reason you wouldn't like the show at Toby's Dinner Theatre. It's a fun production. There's a lot to love about it. Dinner is tasty. Everyone at Toby's is unfailingly polite, cheerful, helpful and speedy, including each member of the actor/wait staff. The productions are done with attention to detail and the actors are well cast. That combination of elements is rare in ANY public forum these days, so all credit to the management for creating this wonderful environment. If you enjoy dinner theatre, you will be pleased.
BWW Review: TWISTED MELODIES Wrings Laughter, Tears At Center StageMarch 29, 2017If you are already a Hathaway fan, you really must not miss this show. If you are not already a fan, prepare to be converted. I walk into the show knowing very little of Donny Hathaway and walk out touched and changed forever. Writer/Performer Kelvin Roston has created a brilliant work of heartbreak, genius and intimacy to terrify and delight patrons of Center Stage.
BWW Review: STOMP Smashes Through The HippodromeMarch 19, 2017STOMP is in town for just one more performance. If you've never seen it, prepare to be rocked. The percussive dance sensation is touring and it brings the house to its collective feet. It's more than a show: it's an experience.
BWW Review: Everyman Delivers a Rich Production of GREAT EXPECTATIONSFebruary 14, 2017Director Tazewell Thompson, handling a tale that is heavy on narrative, guides the pliable ensemble to a performance that is dynamic, touching, amusing, lively and filled with gothic foreshadowing. Every sequence unfolds a new delight, from slapstick action to nuanced characterization to the most hilarious rendition of Hamlet it has ever been my privilege to witness. Script, direction, casting, performance and tech are each remarkable renditions of their kind. The beautiful language is retained, but made perfectly clear by action and diction. Additionally, it's heartily funny.