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Courtney Henley - Page 3

Courtney Henley Courtney is a film, TV, and theatre buff who received her BA in Film Studies & Production from Hofstra University in hopes of putting her knowledge to good use. While studying, she produced a festival-winning short film and wrote and directed a number of other shorts. She can quote a ridiculous number of movies and plays and is currently writing her first feature-length film, which she hopes will one day be quoted by others.

BWW Recap: THE AMAZING RACE Glides into Africa
BWW Recap: THE AMAZING RACE Glides into Africa
April 17, 2015

Remember last week, when I was talking about how THE AMAZING RACE typically involves gritty, more...shall we say 'Earthy' challenges than those that took place amidst the glitz and glam of Monaco? Those classic 'get your hands dirty' challenges are back tonight - with a vengenace. Teams leave the glow of Monaco behind them and travel to the deserts of Namibia for the this week's leg of the Race.

BWW Recap: Elegance and Class Reign on THE AMAZING RACE
BWW Recap: Elegance and Class Reign on THE AMAZING RACE
April 10, 2015

Normally, THE AMAZING RACE makes teams trek through mud and grime and through rivers and across rice fields just to get to their next pit stop. 'Glitz' and 'glam' are never typically associated with the Race. Tonight, however, that's all changing. Teams trade in pretzels and lederhosen from Germany and board planes to fly to elegant Monaco - a first for the Race.

BWW Recap: Marco's Back on the BETTER CALL SAUL Season Finale
BWW Recap: Marco's Back on the BETTER CALL SAUL Season Finale
April 7, 2015

At the end of last week's episode, Chuck and his backstabbing self left us questioning just about everything we've learned about Jimmy and the man he's become thus far. 'People don't change. You're Slippin' Jimmy!' Chuck seems pretty darn convinced of this. His whole 'people don't change' mentality is essentially the reason he denied his loving and devoted brother a potentially life-changing job at HHM. By the end of the episode, we - and by 'we,' I mean both us viewers and Jimmy himself - are left wondering whether or not Chuck is right.

BWW Recap: You Better Love That Lederhosen on THE AMAZING RACE
BWW Recap: You Better Love That Lederhosen on THE AMAZING RACE
April 4, 2015

If you need reminding as to what happened on the last episode of THE AMAZING RACE, don't worry, you're not alone. It's been a while since these dynamic daredevils have graced our TV screens. After racing through Bangkok, Bergen and Kurt came in first place, and poor Harley and Jonathan were eliminated. And there were cats. There were a lot of cats. This week, teams are traveling from Asia to Europe as they join Germany - specifically, Bavaria - in preparing for Oktoberfest. This should be interesting.

BWW Recap: Betrayal and Backstabbing on BETTER CALL SAUL
BWW Recap: Betrayal and Backstabbing on BETTER CALL SAUL
March 30, 2015

Jimmy McGill's got a lot going on in his life right now: he's trying to balance his professional and personal relationship with Kim; he's learning to cope with his brother's illness; he's exploring his not-so-legal tendencies with his soon to be partner in crime Mike Ehrmantraut; and, possibly most importantly, he's about to enter into one of the biggest lawsuits of his legal life thus far.

BWW Recap: Bingo, Blackmail, and BETTER CALL SAUL
BWW Recap: Bingo, Blackmail, and BETTER CALL SAUL
March 16, 2015

Guys, guys, listen up, I have an announcement to make! Are you ready? Brace yourselves, here it is: After tonight's episode, there are only three more episodes left in BETTER CALL SAUL'S innaugural season. I know, it's hard to believe. It feels like it just premiered yesterday. Let's take a moment to allow that to sink in.

BWW Recap: Teams are Feeling Clutchy on THE AMAZING RACE
BWW Recap: Teams are Feeling Clutchy on THE AMAZING RACE
March 14, 2015

Let's quickly recap last week's leg of the Race: Hayley and Blair clearly don't like each other, as evidenced by Hayley's ridiculously rambling complaints about Blair not listening; poor Harley & Jonathan can't catch a break and come in last - but it's a non-elimination leg (!!!); Matt and Ashley got engaged; and drag is as entertaining as we always thought. This week clearly has a lot to live up to entertainment-wise. But this is THE AMAZING RACE, so there's no doubt in my mind that they will succeed. Too bad the same can't be said about all the teams...

BWW Recap: It's History Time on BETTER CALL SAUL
BWW Recap: It's History Time on BETTER CALL SAUL
March 10, 2015

Until now, we've only been given teeny tiny, itty bitty glimpses into the complicated, troubled past that belongs to one Mike Ehrmantraut. We know he used to be a cop, and we know that he now works as a parking attendant, but that's about it. Every good BREAKING BAD fan knows that a lot happens between the end of last week's episode (remember, when all those cops came knocking at his door) and when we meet him as Saul's right-hand-man in Albuquerque. Tonight, we finally start filling in those blanks.

BWW Recap: Murphy's Law Rules on THE AMAZING RACE
BWW Recap: Murphy's Law Rules on THE AMAZING RACE
March 7, 2015

Last week's AMAZING RACE episode brought us some season firsts: the first injury (darn those ice skates), first disagreements (it's always the puzzles, isn't it?), and first glimpses at which blind dates are succeeding more than others. This week, if the episode title is any indication, is going to be even nuttier. Murphy's Law always prevails on THE AMAZING RACE, but this week, it runs rampant. Here's hopin' someone forgets their passport or doesn't read their clue so I can yell at them on the internet!

LIVE West Coast BETTER CALL SAUL 'Alpine Shepherd Boy' Recap 3/2
LIVE West Coast BETTER CALL SAUL 'Alpine Shepherd Boy' Recap 3/2
March 2, 2015

Allow me, for a moment, to recap what we have learned so far in the first four episodes of BETTER CALL SAUL. Jimmy McGill (AKA 's'all good, man') starts his career as a public defender, shifts into private practice (if you can call it that) when he defends Nacho and finds the 'missing' Kettlemans, and attempts to take down Hamlin with one of Saul's soon-to-be trademarked elaborate schemes.

BWW Recap: Noodles and Skates on THE AMAZING RACE
BWW Recap: Noodles and Skates on THE AMAZING RACE
February 27, 2015

It seems like only yesterday that THE AMAZING RACE premiered its 26th season...and that's probably because it was. Well, it was actually two days ago, but still, you get the point. On Wednesday, teams kicked off their race around the world with a mud run (which, surely, must be harder than it looks, right?) and headed to the airport, where they said goodbye to America, and kon'nichiwa to Tokyo! Some choreography and a million sakes later, teams were faced with their first elimination, and we said an early goodbye to Jeff and Lyda, who were victims of a good, old fashioned Blind U-Turn.

BWW Recap: Bonds are Tested on THE AMAZING RACE Premiere
BWW Recap: Bonds are Tested on THE AMAZING RACE Premiere
February 25, 2015

'Good luck. The world is waiting for you.' Tonight at 9:30 PM, we will once again hear Phil utter what are probably the most exhilirating words that these 11 teams will ever hear as the 26th season of THE AMAZING RACE kicks off. Maybe it's just the superfan in me talking, but I cannot wait.

BWW Recap: BETTER CALL SAUL if You Need a Hero
BWW Recap: BETTER CALL SAUL if You Need a Hero
February 23, 2015

Last week was Jimmy's week to shine. He was thrown to the wolves with the whole Nacho situation, and he had to figure out a plan that would keep his client out of prison. Sure, he may have had to throw some other, would've-been-clients (that's you, Kettlemans) under the proverbial bus, but hey, a lawyer's gotta do what a lawyer's gotta do, am I right?

BWW Recap: Nacho Realizes He BETTER CALL SAUL
BWW Recap: Nacho Realizes He BETTER CALL SAUL
February 17, 2015

Last week, we were glued to our television screens as we returned to Albuquerque to witness the birth of Saul Goodman as we know him. We're learning more and more about Walter White's crafty lawyer, including how he met Tuco, and consequently, how he morphed into the ethically confused man we know and love. At the end of last week's premiere episodes, good little Jimmy followed all the rules, as any good defense attorney should. But his moral ambiguities revealed themselves just enough to confuse not only viewers, but also Jimmy himself. Sure, he's responsible for those twins getting their legs broken, but at least he took them to the ER afterwards...right? Right? He's still a good, law-abiding guy...right?

BWW Profile: Keira Knightley Oscar-Nominated Star of Stage and Screen
February 16, 2015

All right, guys, it's confession time: there was a time, when I was but a young lass, that I wanted desperately to be Keira Knightley. She was in Pirates of the Caribbean (which I may or may not be able to quote from beginning to end), she was ridiculously talented, she wasn't that much older than me, and she was British (which, for some strange reason, I always wanted to be when I was young). Then, in 2006, she was nominated for an Academy Award for her role of Elizabeth Bennett in Pride and Prejudice, and that made her even more awesome. As I got older, I began to recognize how good she actually was in all of those movies - a thought which ran through my mind once again when I saw her performance in The Imitation Game, for which she received her second Oscar nomination.

BWW Profile: Meryl Streep Oscar Nominated Star of Stage and Screen
February 19, 2015

It's simple: if you don't know Meryl Streep, you've been living under a rock for the past 30 years or so. She's dominated the Academy Awards since the early 1980s, earning a whopping 19 Oscar nominations for roles as varied as the colors of the rainbow. She's only won three of those coveted golden statues thus far (slacker), but fans are hoping that this year, she'll take home number four.

BWW Profile: Bradley Cooper Oscar Nominated Star of Stage and Screen
February 17, 2015

Hollywood may have initially recognized the three-time Oscar nominee for his good looks and charisma, but Bradley Cooper wasted no time showing the world that his talents stretch far beyond simply flashing his pearly whites. His three nominations have all occurred back-to-back: first for Silver Linings Playbook, then for American Hustle, and now for American Sniper (I'm sensing a theme with those last two).

BWW Recap: It's Showtime on BETTER CALL SAUL
BWW Recap: It's Showtime on BETTER CALL SAUL
February 9, 2015

Consider yourself warned: spoilers abound in this little preview! Probably best not to read this until you've seen Part One. If you watched last night's premiere BETTER CALL SAUL episode, then you, too, are probably experiencing a ridiculous level of excitement about tonight's Part Two. Part one was choc-full-of twists and turns: Cinnabon Saul (that's my new nickname for our friend's post-BREAKING BAD self)! Mike Ehrmantraut! A conniving rival lawyer! High-speed freeway chases! Mistaken identities! And TUCO!

February 8, 2015

It's Sunday. Are you tired, bored, with nothing to do? Need a reason to stay home and eat that pint of ice cream that's been hanging out in your freezer for a little bit too long? Do you miss BREAKING BAD? You're not alone. AMC is here to help. They have what is quite possibly the only series that can fill the Walter White-shaped hole that the BREAKING BAD finale permanently smashed into your heart, and that show is BETTER CALL SAUL.

BWW Discussion: The Curtain Comes Down on AMERICAN HORROR STORY: FREAK SHOW
BWW Discussion: The Curtain Comes Down on AMERICAN HORROR STORY: FREAK SHOW
January 23, 2015

It's been a long and winding road for the freaks in this season's AMERICAN HORROR STORY. Death, betrayal, sass, and some good, old-fashioned blood baths (literally and figuratively) sprinkled in for good measure made for quite a show. This season (like every other season) may have divided some viewers regarding whether it was spectacular or just spectacularly bad, but one thing's for certain: there's a lot to discuss. My fellow recapper and TV-obsessed friend Kara McCoy and I did just that. Join us, but beware: spoilers abound!
