BWW Review: YOUNG AT HEART at WallmansApril 5, 2019The "blueprint" still works! Wallmans Oslo delivers entertainment in a big way, with a whopping stage show, big voices, tightly performed choreography, lavishing costumes and a huge amount of entertainment.
BWW Interview: BroadwayWorld Award Winner - Charlotte BrænnaMarch 7, 2019Charlotte Braenna played Lucille Frank in the Scandinavian Premiere production of Jason Robert Brown's PARADE, just out of school. She has since starred in many musicals such as Kathy Selden in SINGIN' IN THE RAIN, Mother in BILLY ELLIOT and MARY POPPINS at Folketeatret. Recently she played Sandy in GREASE at Chateau Neuf. Currently she is playing Meg Giry in the premiere production of THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA.
Hvordan du kjøper billetter til et Broadway showMarch 4, 2019Alle guide-boker forteller deg at hvis du planlegger en tur til New York City, bor det a se et Broadway-forestilling sta pa toppen av prioriteringslisten ... og de har rett. The Big Apple tilbyr en rekke museer, restauranter og steder a besoke, og likevel kan ingen av dem sammenlignes med den magien du finner Broadway. Hvis du har planer om a se et Broadway-forestilling pa din storbyferie (og det burde du ha), dette er din steg-for-steg veiledning om hvordan du far billetter til det showet som passer best for deg.
BWW Review: JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR at Sarpsborg SceneMarch 4, 2019Musically Jesus Christ Superstar at Sarpsborg scene is a joy to witness. It works in all aspects with the performers, choir and musicians. Directorially it is more of a hit and miss, with both captivating sequences while others got a little lost in the huge crowd on stage.
BWW Previews: Norwegian Play CRYING HANDS About The Deaf During Holocaust Will Tour US And Canada In MarchFebruary 21, 2019What happened to the deaf and the disabled both before and during World War II? What atrocities and unimaginable acts of evil were committed? This is an extensive topic, and unknown to most people. Over the years, Teater Manu has acquired a large archive of documentary material, and has interviewed Holocaust survivors. Teater Manu also gather inspirations from the Holocaust Museums in Jerusalem, Oslo and Berlin. It will tour the US and CANADA March 7. - 24.
BWW Feature: THE BOOK OF MORMON Guys Are Gender-Reversing in Broadway Backwards-styleFebruary 5, 2019an homage to the likes of Broadway Backwards and Miscast, appropriately named (Wo)Man up. It has been such a big success they have already done it three incarnations at various dates. The show last November was packed to the rafters, so I would advice Det Norske Teatret to maybe consider doing the fourth outing on the main stage. I know at least I would have loved the final outing to go out with a bang!
JERSEY BOYS to open in Norway In 2020February 3, 2019The Broadway Mega-hit will open in Norway 2020 at Chateau Neuf. The musical has played on and off Broadway since 2006 and is still going strong.No cast are announced yet. It will be directed by Tore Sergei Myklebust and Choreographed by Kirsty McDonald. Hans Einar Apelland will serve as Musical Director.
BWW Review: THE WIZARD OF OZ at Chateau NeufFebruary 3, 2019The creative team has delivered a beautiful, inventive and masterful version of the classic 'The Wizard of Oz'. Visually it is pleasantly different to what we are used to, but it is very audibly familiar.
BWW Review: THE FULL MONTY at Ullensaker TeaterFebruary 1, 2019THE FULL MONTY as a whole delivers where it has too. Even though final product is a little uneven in places, it still does what it is supposed to do - taking the audience on an Intriguing journey of these characters lives.
BWW Interview: Espen Grjotheim: NORWAY'S PHANTOM UNMASKEDJanuary 31, 2019On the Norwegian musical theatre scene he has originated roles such as Sky in Mamma Mia and Galileo in We Will Rock You, as well as playing Jean Valjean in Les Miserables, Karl Oskar in Kristina and Freddy in Chess. Currently he is playing the title role in The Phantom of the Opera for which he recently won Best Actor in a Musical at the Regional BroadwayWorld Awards. The show also won Best Muscial.
BWW Review: ATTEND THE TALE OF SONDHEIM 2 at Bikuben, Det Norske TeatretJanuary 16, 2019Bikuben at Det Norske Teatret has proven to be the ideal arena for smaller cultural events of that would otherwise struggle to find a home in the commercially driven theatre scene. This new season started off last Friday with a sold-out small Sondheim-concert at the foyer stage of the theatre, in the spirit of 'Side By Side By Sondheim'
BWW Review: SCROOGE - A CHRISTMAS CAROL at Lillestrøm KutursenterDecember 5, 2018From the moment you enter the small theatre you are surrounded by the Victorian streets of London. The impressive set stretches into the auditorium on both sides. It is easy to be immersed in the old streets of London. The Norwegian penned version of 'Scrooge - A Christmas Carol' is a most welcomed addition to adaptations of this classic tale.
Interview: Set designer Andrew Riley on reimagining PHANTOM OF THE OPERANovember 8, 2018The new 'reimagined' production of 'The Phantom of the Opera' is currently playing to packed houses at Folketeatret in Norway. Many aspects of that production has been getting a lot of notification in the press, both locally and internationally. One aspect has been getting a lot of raves among phantom fans in various social media communities (including BroadwayWorld) is the new set design by set designer Andrew Riley.
BWW Review: FLASHDANCE at Chateau Neuf, Oslo - What A Feeling!October 29, 2018It's been more than 30 years since the world fell in love with Jennifer Beals' bad-ass welder turned dancer, Alex Owens, in the iconic dance movie 'Flashdance'. In the musical adaptation it is just as easy to fall in love with Heidi Ruud Ellingsens's portrayel of the character.