Review: Best Medicine Rep's BLAME IT ON BECKETTMarch 16, 2025Best Medicine Rep’s DC premiere of John Morogiello’s Blame it on Beckett is a hilarious reminder that sometimes, the real dramas play out in the back offices of our beloved regional theaters.
Review: Joe's Emporium Moves and Informs with OUT OF THE VINEYARDMarch 1, 2025Working from a series of oral history recordings, playwright Psalmayene 24 has assembled a truly moving piece of theatre that brings the many voices of Prince Georges’ past and present to bear witness, and bring to light struggles that we (or I, at least) knew nothing about.
Director Tony Thomas has assembled a small and mighty cast, who introduce us to contemporaries from all walks of life, each of them speaking to their irrevocable connections to the America’s past.
Review: Solas Nua's Double Bill Opens Thrilling New Horizons for DC TheaterNovember 4, 2024In collaboration with two innovative young companies from Ireland, Dublin’s Murmuration and Galway’s Brú Theatre, we have a vision of the future of theatre which takes the new technologies of sound and film in stride. The results are pieces that occur right next to you, enveloping you in a warmth you won’t find outside of that snug in your favorite pub.
Review: New York Circus Project's HAMLET an Exhilarating DebutAugust 13, 2024We usually associate circuses with acrobats and clowning; it never occurs to us to think of circuses as an art form, with tremendous expressive potential. The New York Circus Project (NYCP), takes the art of the circus one dramatic step further. Currently on its first national tour with their production of William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet,” co-created by Sam Landa and Emma Owens, the NYCP offers audiences an exhilarating take on a familiar tale.
Review: WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO ALL THAT BEAUTY? A Deeply Moving Offering at CATFJuly 22, 2024Playwright Donja R. Love refers to 'Beauty' as an offering, in the spiritual sense of the word; and it truly is one of the most uplifting cycles, in times of trouble and misunderstanding, we are likely to see. Director Malika Oyetimein has marshalled a stellar cast, and guided this show with great care and compassion.
Review: CATF's Production of THE HAPPIEST MAN ON EARTH a Brilliant Tale of a Remarkable LifeJuly 13, 2024There is nothing in the world like a compelling, original story, well told. And when the story is true, darkly and brilliantly real, it becomes absolutely indispensable. Playwright Mark St. Germain has plumbed the depths of the Holocaust to create a deeply moving one-man show, The Happiest Man on Earth. The journey veteran actor Kenneth Tigar takes us on is harrowing—but there is an epiphany, a moment, when the pain and anger and sorrow give way to pure joy.
Review: Suspense & Horror at CATF with ENOUGH TO LET THE LIGHT INJuly 9, 2024With her play Enough to Let the Light In, Paloma Nozicka has crafted one of those great psychological thrillers; the build-up is slow but steady, the characters finely drawn, and the climax will make you jump. But there’s no need for blood, it’s all in your head. And if you are looking for an evening that gives you a few of those none-too-subtle psychological shocks, this year’s Contemporary American Theater Festival has just the ticket.
Review: CATF Touches Down Brilliantly with innovative TORNADO TASTES LIKE ALUMINUM STINGJuly 9, 2024With Harmon dot aut’s semi-autobiographical play, Tornado Tastes Like Aluminum Sting, audiences at CATF will have that rarest of encounters—a play that reveals the world as it is experienced, and processed, by a profoundly autistic, synaesthetic pre-teen who can only communicate with the outside world through their first love, the world of film. Oliver Butler has created an intensely intricate evening, demanding logistically and dramatically, which holds together in truly remarkable ways.
Review: Round House Theatre's SPRING BREAK A Testament to Youthful IngenuityMarch 20, 2024For family and friends who gathered at Round House Theatre to watch the latest crop of high school talent working on and offstage in Joe Calarco’s Spring Break, it was a chance to cheer on young people who have worked hard to create a compelling afternoon’s entertainment, both visually inventive and dramatically potent.
Review: Lynn Rosen's THE OVERVIEW EFFECT a Grand Space Epic at the Contemporary American Theater FestivalJuly 15, 2023Although the results are a bit chaotic—truth be known, this is a sprawling epic of a show which could use some trimming—the timeliness of its topic and its glorious performances make “The Overview Effect”, by rights, a major attraction for theatre goers this July. A mix of straight drama and rock-musical-fantasy, “The Overview Effect” reaches for the stars while contemplating some of the more pressing issues surounding space exploration.
Feature: THE DEVONSHIRE ARMS is Shepherdstown's, and the Contemporary American Theater Festival's Royal GemJune 23, 2023For years, I have had the incredible privilege and pleasure of reviewing shows, every July, at the Contemporary American Theater Festival in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. But I have a small confession to make: the plays are good, sure, but I’m really in it for the Afternoon Tea at Shepherdstown’s treasured pub, the Devonshire Arms. The triple-tier of delights the Arms offers will leave you with what my sainted grandmother would call “a sufficiency” to last the rest of the weekend.
Review: Essential Theatre's DISSONANCE An Essential Conversation About What Divides UsJune 2, 2023The genius of “Dissonances” is the way that it reveals, and then gently dismantles, those walls we erect around ourselves, those unconscious fears that prevent us from really communicating and empathizing with people different from ourselves. Both Duncan and Sandel create human beings we recognize instantly—their virtues intact, their flaws visible but never damning.