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Allison Rambler

Allison Rambler

Allison Rambler is a recent graduate of Central York High School in York, Pennsylvania and is a sophomore at Penn State University, where she majors in Communications and will minor in Theatre. She has been active in theatre productions in both her high school and community, including Orangemite Studios in Dover, Pennsylvania, and The Belmont Theater (formerly York Little Theater) in York, Pennsylvania. Allison is a member of the International Thespian Society. Her favorite credits includeThe Little Mermaid, Side Show, The Pillowman, Twelve Angry Jurors, Romeo and Juliet, The Addams Family, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, and The Complete History of America (Abridged). She is excited to continue the next chapter of her theatre story at Penn State, and hopes to bring a fresh perspective to BroadwayWorld from the eyes of a young community performer.


BWW Review: INTO THE WOODS at Gettysburg Community Theatre
BWW Review: INTO THE WOODS at Gettysburg Community Theatre
June 11, 2018

INTO THE WOODS is arguably a staple of American theatre. As one of the incomparable Stephen Sondheim's most recognizable shows, INTO THE WOODS is performed continuously by a multitude of theatres across America. From middle schools, to universities, to regional theatre and beyond, an active audience member can often find at least one theatre in their area presenting INTO THE WOODS in their current season. A show with this much popularity can begin to feel trite, and theatres may struggle to find originality in their own production of this often-told tale. However, this is not the case at Gettysburg Community Theatre. Their production of INTO THE WOODS trades elaborate sets and costumes for creativity and simplicity, allowing them to truly focus on the issues and moral questions the story presents. The unique twists sprinkled throughout the show are then facilitated through a host of talent, making Gettysburg Community Theatre's production of INTO THE WOODS not to be missed.

BWW Review: I LOVE YOU BECAUSE at Theatre Harrisburg
BWW Review: I LOVE YOU BECAUSE at Theatre Harrisburg
March 12, 2018

The age-old struggle of romance has become even more challenging in the modern era. Whether one uses dating apps, blind dates, or sheer luck, finding love has also proven to be a task for the brave and the patient. The search for romance can often be a stressful one, and it can be easy to view relationships through a filter of bitterness and frustration. However, Theatre Harrisburg and their humorous, charming production of I LOVE YOU BECAUSE serves as a much-needed reminder that love, though not always easy, has a way of finding those who dare to seek it out.

December 16, 2017

Susquehanna Stage Company, although tucked away in the small town of Marietta, has proven time and time again to be a great source of spectacle, talent, and all-around entertainment. They display their musical prowess once again with their current production of HOW TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS WITHOUT REALLY TRYING, a show that romps through the trials of the business world with humor and hijinks abound. As the last show in their season of Pulitzer Prize-winning productions, Susquehanna Stage Company truly ends 2017 on a high note.

BWW Interview: William Wolfgang of A WINTER'S TALE at Orangemite Shakespeare Company
BWW Interview: William Wolfgang of A WINTER'S TALE at Orangemite Shakespeare Company
November 26, 2017

Laughter is the first sound to meet the ears as one happens upon an Orangemite Shakespeare Company rehearsal. Although hard at work, the cast is openly enjoying themselves as they prepare for their upcoming production of William Shakespeare's A WINTER'S TALE.

November 14, 2017

The name Stephen Sondheim is one that conjures excitement in many a theatre enthusiast. His most popular works, such as INTO THE WOODS and SWEENEY TODD, thrive on scathing social commentary and twisting melodies that only the more experienced musicians can follow. However, as this reviewer has come to realize, Sondheim lets his funny bone shine in his lesser known musicals. Theatre Harrisburg brings one of these unfairly forgotten shows to life with their current production of A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM, and reminds the audience that musicals can be more than drama and heartbreak. In fact, as the opening number 'Comedy Tonight' suggests, FORUM is a far cry from tragedy.

BWW Review: CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF at Susquehanna Stage Company
BWW Review: CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF at Susquehanna Stage Company
October 23, 2017

Tennessee Williams is perhaps one of the most well-known playwrights of the modern era. His works, just as THE GLASS MENAGERIE (one of the reviewer's favorite plays) and A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE have long stood the test of time with Williams' use of relevant subject matter and interesting characters. Susquehanna Stage Company brings Williams' words to life onstage now as a part of their Pulitzer-Prize Winning Season with CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF. Regarded by Tennessee Williams as the forerunner of his own works, the show deals with many subjects considered taboo during its time and are still incredibly prevalent in today's society.

BWW Review: THE CURIOUS SAVAGE at Hershey Area Playhouse
BWW Review: THE CURIOUS SAVAGE at Hershey Area Playhouse
October 15, 2017

In the vast realm of theatre, there are shows of all moods and temperaments to be found. Recently, it can sometimes seem difficult to find a show that prides itself on a cast of characters that inspire nothing but joy and help to convey messages of love and self-exploration. However, this is exactly the kind of warm-and-fuzzy feeling that one comes away with thanks to Hershey Area Playhouse and their production of THE CURIOUS SAVAGE.

BWW Review: DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS at Oyster Mill Playhouse
BWW Review: DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS at Oyster Mill Playhouse
September 25, 2017

In this day and age, musicals have transcended the limits of what they are expected to be. Shows such as DEAR EVAN HANSEN, THE GREAT COMET OF 1812, and HAMILTON break the traditional mold of Golden Age musicals with significant innovation that paves that way for even more creativity in this ever-evolving field. However, these new advancements should by no means overshadow the classics; rousing ensemble numbers and sweeping ballads will always have a special place in the hearts of many a theatre fanatic. These well-known and well-loved tropes of the standards of musical theatre are exactly what Oyster Mill Playhouse brings to life in their latest production of DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS. The show is filled with mishaps and mayhem galore, and reminds the audience of the sheer entertainment that musicals have the power to provide.

BWW Review: LAST OF THE RED HOT LOVERS at Little Theatre Of Mechanicsburg
BWW Review: LAST OF THE RED HOT LOVERS at Little Theatre Of Mechanicsburg
September 19, 2017

The works of Neil Simon should come with a warning label: be prepared for a thorough, generous douse of comedy.

BWW Interview: Chad-Alan Carr, Greg Trax, Michelle Latta, Linden Carbaugh, Max Carlson, Madison Prin of CATS at Gettysburg Community Theatre
BWW Interview: Chad-Alan Carr, Greg Trax, Michelle Latta, Linden Carbaugh, Max Carlson, Madison Prin of CATS at Gettysburg Community Theatre
September 5, 2017

It is a hard to find a child these days who does not have a favorite story. A story that comforts them, that inspires them, fascinates them. A story that used to be read every night before bed and still might rest on the nightstand beside them. Stories provide the fundamentals of childhood, supplying crucial building blocks that influence the way children see the world around them. Each child grows up hearing a tale that sweeps them off their feet and into new ways of thinking and learning, and fosters a creativity that, with any luck, they will carry with them for years to come. It comes as no surprise to anyone that children love to hear stories, but Gettysburg Community Theatre is allowing them the opportunity to jump into the pages themselves with their youth production of CATS JR.

BWW Review: A CHORUS LINE at Susquehanna Stage Company
BWW Review: A CHORUS LINE at Susquehanna Stage Company
August 16, 2017

Every so often, a show comes along that strikes a chord in the most difficult audience to please: actors. As people of show business, we as actors find ourselves in a difficult position when going to see a show that is not ours; we are critical, we are hopeful, we are looking to be impressed. Often times, we are pleasantly amused and surprised by other works of theatre, but rarely do we find a show that speaks to us as clearly as A CHORUS LINE. The mere title of the show aims itself directly at actors themselves, and has prided itself on representing the trials and tribulations of show business for several decades. Central PA's most recent incarnation, presented by Susquehanna Stage Company, invokes just the same feelings that inspire each and every actor to push just a little bit harder to reach their goals.

BWW Review: TAKING LEAVE at Oyster Mill Playhouse
BWW Review: TAKING LEAVE at Oyster Mill Playhouse
August 16, 2017

Oyster Mill Playhouse in Camp Hill, PA, is perhaps known for their ability to bring plays previously lacking in recognition back into the public eye. Time and time again, they have proved themselves masters of the unknown, making us wonder how the theatre community has overlooked certain plays that are capable of provoking just as much thought and emotion as any work of Tennessee Williams or Arthur Miller. With their current production of TAKING LEAVE, Oyster Mill Playhouse once again breathes life into a show that may have otherwise slipped through the cracks.

BWW Review: SOCIAL SECURITY at Oyster Mill Playhouse
BWW Review: SOCIAL SECURITY at Oyster Mill Playhouse
June 5, 2017

Every so often, a show comes along that manages to surprise even the most unlikely of theatre-goers. Shows that seem geared towards a certain audience sometimes prove themselves able to entertain a vast array of tastes, more than they may have expected. This is the case of SOCIAL SECURITY at Oyster Mill Playhouse, a play aimed to tickle the funny bones of an older crowd that still succeeds in getting a laugh from all ages.

BWW Review: THE SHADOW BOX at Little Theatre Of Mechanicsburg
BWW Review: THE SHADOW BOX at Little Theatre Of Mechanicsburg
May 2, 2017

The world of theatre encompasses every issue under the sun; from war to small town drama, from orphans to puppets, theatre has seen it all. Using this logic, it makes sense that many plays and musicals often deal with the challenging topic of illness and death. Musicals such as NEXT TO NORMAL and HEATHERS take very different approaches to the subject of our own mortality, and there are a myriad of plays that attempt to tackle the issue. Little Theatre of Mechanicsburg has chosen one such play, a drama entitled THE SHADOW BOX, and through this show continues to prove that they deserve a bigger spotlight than the small, tucked away world of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania can provide for them.

BWW Review: SUPERIOR DONUTS at Oyster Mill Playhouse
BWW Review: SUPERIOR DONUTS at Oyster Mill Playhouse
April 24, 2017

In this day and age, race and social class are very challenging topics to discuss. Everyone has an opinion, and many are unafraid to share it. These clashing views can sometimes render these subjects somewhat taboo, but Oyster Mill Playhouse is choosing to bring these tricky topics to light. With a touch of humor and heart, their current production of SUPERIOR DONUTS is one that speaks to the genuine power of friendship and empathy, while giving the audience a laugh or two along the way.

BWW Review: NEXT TO NORMAL at Susquehanna Stage Company
BWW Review: LOVE FROM A STRANGER at Little Theatre Of Mechanicsburg
BWW Review: LOVE FROM A STRANGER at Little Theatre Of Mechanicsburg
March 16, 2017

The suspenseful mystery genre of theatre is one that should always be approached with caution; the mixture of sprinkling around clues without giving up the ending to the audience is one that can be difficult to get just right. However, at Little Theatre of Mechanicsburg, their production of LOVE FROM A STRANGER has managed to grip the attention of the audience, and the reviewer in particular, in ways they may not have imagined.

BWW Review: THE SPITFIRE GRILL at Oyster Mill Playhouse
BWW Review: THE SPITFIRE GRILL at Oyster Mill Playhouse
March 15, 2017

When an actor starts out on their journey to stardom, they are bound to hear the same advice from a multitude of concerned friends and relatives: theatre is a cut-throat business, and nothing is set in stone. However, when these well-meaning people give this warning, they are more than likely referring to the worlds of New York City and Hollywood, the promised lands for actors and theatre-goers alike. They are not thinking of community theatre, which in some ways can be equally as vastly competitive and filled with it's own kind of drama. It can be just as difficult to make a mark on your hometown theatre scene than it is on the streets of Broadway, especially when you are surrounded by a wealth of local talent. It could be easy for Oyster Mill Playhouse in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania to fall victim to the curse of community obscurity, but they have proven to have done just the opposite, especially with their production of THE SPITFIRE GRILL.

BWW Review: CITY OF ANGELS at Theatre Harrisburg
BWW Review: CITY OF ANGELS at Theatre Harrisburg
March 7, 2017

In the vast world of community theatre, the production of obscure musicals can often be a dangerous game. The unfamiliarity of the show tends to lend itself to smaller crowds and clouded expectations. From a performer's perspective, this can be both advantageous and inconvenient. While unknown characters provide more opportunity for creative liberties and interpretations, there is relatively little source material to draw from. However, from the perspective of an audience member, we are less likely to hold actors to certain standards of how a character is to be portrayed, because quite frankly, we're not too sure ourselves. In the case of CITY OF ANGELS at Theatre Harrisburg, the cast and crew have taken an exceptionally underground musical and crafted a performance that left the audience entertained from beginning to end, wondering why they'd never heard of it before.

