Review: SOME LIKE IT HOT Sizzles and Shakes at Dr. Phillips CenterDecember 19, 2024When SOME LIKE IT HOT began on Broadway, it was celebrated for updating a classic film to modern audiences in ways and themes not readily apparent from the original source material. After having played a successful year-long run on Broadway, the show concluded on December 30, 2023. Nine long months later, it finally mounted a national tour within the greater United States. And now, for a spectacular pre-Christmas week, Central Florida gets to bear witness to the storied spectacle as Broadway visitors did. Much of what’s been seen on Broadway has been lovingly transferred to this touring production, making it a show not to be missed.
Review: LES MISERABLES Offers Hope for the Hopeless(ly Devoted) at Dr. Phillips CenterJune 26, 2024At the height of its fame, the musical Les Misérables was the Dorsia of Broadway, a hot-ticket event that reached Hamilton levels of excessive prices, elite A-list attendees, and legions of fans who’d revisit the show through repeat viewings, memorization of the cast recording, and fierce debates of West End vs. Broadway performers.
Review: A CHORUS LINE Dazzles and Delights at Theater West EndAugust 29, 2022Nothing lasts forever, but that doesn't stop us from enjoying the moments as they pass into memory. A CHORUS LINE teaches the audience this through a story that is rooted in the classic vein of 'let's put on a show,' but contains a universal message that rings true to anyone with a passion, whose life is better because they did what they love.
Review: Encore! Performing Arts Celebrates Milestone 20th Anniversary with COME ALIVE: CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF ENCORE at Steinmetz Hall of Dr. Phillips CenterAugust 20, 2022Twenty years ago, a group of Walt Disney World cast members decided they wanted to put their talents to good use beyond their roles within the theme parks. Inspired by an Andrew Lloyd Webber 'Birthday Concert' in which stars got together to celebrate the acclaimed composer, they likewise set out to create a concert setting - all on their own time and dime - to help benefit the Central Florida community they call home. What began as a contingent of nearly seventy players has expanded and grown over the next two decades as hundreds of members come and go at their leisure, based upon the time they can give and the talent they can share. In a world filled with uncertainty and strife, it's a blessing that something as inherently good and selfless as Encore! Performing Arts continues to thrive.
BWW Review: HENRY IV, PART 1 Sets 'Fire' to the 'Reign' at Orlando ShakesMarch 2, 2020A few weeks back, I attended the opening night of The Three Musketeers at Orlando Shakes. I marveled, in particular, at a rotating stage and staircase designed by Bert Scott. The way the production team used that stage always impressed me. Imagine my delight when I came back to Orlando Shakes for the opening weekend of HENRY IV, PART 1 and saw that same exact stage now being used to represent 1492 England rather than 1628 France. Part of it is my fault, I didn't know they'd be using the same stage and assumed another theatre space at Orlando Shakes would house HENRY IV. But now knowing that this same space was used for two plays got the wheels in my head turning. It's a genius move on Orlando Shakes' part, creating a very fitting double-feature of entertainment. The same cast, the same stage, but two wholly different stories unfold.

BWW Review: Encore Performing Arts Invites You to Come to the CABARET at Osceola ArtsFebruary 22, 2020The last time I attended a production at Osceola Arts, the stage had been transformed into 1899 New York City for a production of Newsies. Last night, I returned to Osceola Arts, but now found myself transported thirty-two years later and over four thousand miles eastward to Germany, specifically the Kit Kat Klub of Berlin as immortalized in the 1966 musical CABARET. Although we're now ninety years removed from the Weimar Republic, CABARET still feels timely as ever. Given what regime succeeded the Weimar Republic, maybe that should not be good news. Yet that is why we need shows like CABARET: reminders that the apathy and distractions we think help us get by should actually not be our only outlet for life and livelihood. The Kit Kat Klub becomes less a physical place than it does a state of mind, one that comments upon the action of the musical, but does so without the repercussions and consequences of the narrative, at least until the bitter end.
BWW Review: Orlando Shakes Draws Swords and Laughs with THE THREE MUSKETEERSFebruary 9, 2020Ask anyone to describe the Three Musketeers, and you'll get the usual answers: three heroes, bound together in brotherhood, inseparable in the most dire circumstances. They were a holy trinity of masculinity and friendship, the #SquadGoals of the 19th century. But unless one were intimately familiar with Alexandre Dumas' novel or its many adaptations, five will get you ten the average Joe today would be remiss to actually name all of them. That's not the fault of the average Joe, but rather the reputation that precedes these fictional characters. Most would be familiar with what they are, not necessarily who they are.

BWW Review: There Will Be Blood at Moonlight Players Theatre's EVIL DEAD: THE MUSICALOctober 28, 2019There's blood on my program. At first, I thought it was a printing design, but upon further inspection, I realized that, yes, I have blood stains on my program. Normally, I would be concerned, but given that the first three rows at the Moonlight Players Theatre have been designated 'Splatter Zone,' I didn't think much more of it from the safety of my seventh-row seat. Having played out to sold out crowds in its first and second weeks, Moonlight Players' EVIL DEAD: THE MUSICAL will end its run this coming post-Halloween weekend. But fear not, Deadites, for you can also catch Ash Williams and his boomstick on a special Halloween performance as well. The hugely-popular Off-Broadway musical condenses Sam Raimi's Evil Dead trilogy into a two-act musical that celebrates the films' subversive comedy take on 1980s gore. And it does so with a gusto and a panache that knows just how ridiculous and trope-heavy the source material is.