Finest pearls of the Austrian Austropopgeschichte hits by Georg Danzer, Wolfgang Ambros, STS, and Kurt Ostbahn are offered, if Monti concrete together with the "Goleador" and band-mate Johann k. (aka Hans Krankl) with their success program "Super night of Austropop" literally "violins on". The own Austropop CD-ROM with the "Austro concrete"-sounding title is in the musical baggage. Classics of the genre such as
"You sorry i kenn di" by Peter Cornelius animate the audience not rare to take over vocals and amazed listening to the band for a few moments. All seasoned with the for Monti concrete typical casual and humorous style that has also a strong entertainment value in addition to the music.
AND BEYOND ALL SING THE FORESTS (Stream of Live-Performance)
theater in medias res (4/1 - 4/1) | ||
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