If Chris Kaye belts out the songs of the "King of rock and roll" from the stage, it is believed live at an Elvis concert to be. Not for nothing he was awarded several international artist, Elvis and him by the "Elvis Presley Enterprise" (Memphis, TN, United States) the title "the illusion of Elvis ' awarded!
In the first part of the concert experience live the movie hits of Elvis movies by
"GI Blues" and "jailhouse Rock"--"Viva Las Vegas" and "Flaming Star". Chris Kaye contributes original costumes from the films such as for example the GI uniform. In the second part of the show, Chris Kaye is the legendary
Elvis concert from the year 1973 "Aloha from Hawaii", which this year celebrates its 40th anniversary, authentic play. In original arrangements and the authentic-looking costume.
An unforgettable evening of show which enchanted the audience and carries!
AND BEYOND ALL SING THE FORESTS (Stream of Live-Performance)
theater in medias res (4/1 - 4/1) | ||
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