There will be 179 performances in 43 days at 15 venues as well as 34 performances in the youth program “jung & jede*r”.
'The time is out of joint' - the utterance that inspires Shakespeare's Hamlet to set things right offers an insight into the works, especially the operas, that can be experienced during the Salzburg Festival's upcoming season. This present reality also seems to be completely out of joint; questions about universal bonds and perspectives seem more urgent today than ever before.
The festival programme for the Summer Festivals 2023 was presented in Salzburg by President Kristina Hammer, Artistic Director Markus Hinterhäuser, Commercial Director Lukas Crepaz, Head of Drama Bettina Hering and Head of the Concert Department Florian Wiegand.
There will be 179 performances in 43 days at 15 venues as well as 34 performances in the youth program "jung & jede*r".
Check out the programme here.