This superb production is now playing at the Theater Spielraum for a strictly limited run
March 19, 2025, marks the Opening Night for Neil Bartrams (Lyrics and Music) and Brian Hill's (book) Chamber Musical, THE STORY OF MY LIFE (Die Geschichte Meines Lebens- translated by Daniel Große Boymann) at the charming Theater Spielraum in Vienna. It is a tragically heartwarming story about friendship and the importance of having them in our lives. Alvin (Aris Sas) and Thom (Christof Messner) promised each other whoever gets first; the other one is holding the eulogy for the deceased because, when people die, others only say nice things about them, so the teenage boys. As we learned right after the beginning, Thomas, a now-famous author, has to deliver a speech for Alvin, who was found dead under a bridge in their hometown. For an award-winning author an easy task, but not in this case. Thomas struggles even with how to begin with; the struggles of life manifested in writer's block, a dead end. Of course not; his sadly deceased friend Alvin is coming to life in Thomas's memories, and with a little help from his friend, the stories start floating, jumping back and forth from their first day at school through their years of friendship. Sometimes, it takes an accident to get the truth through to us, and so it happened with Thomas, who found out at the very end what a huge impact his Best Friend Alvin has had in his life and helped him become who he is. The Story of My Life is a bittersweet Ode to friendship, reminds us that we are surrounded by wonderful people (friends and family), and we often forget their importance in our lives; their influence is usually unseen until they leave us, and suddenly, something's missing.
Aris Sas and Christof Messner fill the room with their catching performances. They make you giggle and smile but also cry, and it is a raw experience of talent in musical theatre. On top of it, the two of them are singing without any microphones. Their voices are pure and honest, and there is much honesty in this charming piece. Honesty is sometimes barely missed in other extravaganza productions. It's not about the set or the special effects, it's all about the heart. Cherish your friendship (because Jonathan Larson already told us that friendship is thicker than blood). Let your friends know how happy you are to have them in your lives, even if they are sometimes weirder than you are. It could be all over with just a flap.
Robert G. Neumayr (director) created an intimate and warm-hearted atmosphere with his two Leading men and the three-piece band ( cello, piano, and clarinet). Everything feels easy and comfy, reduced to the essentials. I have to repeat myself(click here to find out): After Bevor/Danach in 2024, Die Geschichte Meines Lebens is another demonstration of what an OFF-Musical should feel like. Maybe this is the start of an ongoing relationship between Neumayr, the Spielraum, and charming small pieces like, to whom it may concern, Tell Me On A Sunday or John and Jen, (to name a few)
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