Disney's BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is coming to Vienna! Based on the 1991 animated film of the same name, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST first played on Broadway in 1994. The story is set in long-ago France, and follows a young woman named Belle, a misfit in her town, who finds herself a prisoner in a castle inhabited by a hideous beast. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST will open at Stadthalle, Hall F Vogelweidplatz 14 on March 21st and run through November 18th.
From Vienna Classic's Website: "Experience Disney's The Beauty and the Beast as a ravishing musical: with colorful images, soulful music, fabulous performers and sophisticated dance routines, the stage version of the popular animated film gets under your skin. Beauty and the Beast is one of Disney's biggest film successes, crowned with five Grammys and two Oscars. With the musical version, the enchanting fairy tale from Broadway conquered the hearts of fans for a second time: More than 25 million people around the world have lived, suffered and above all loved them with Belle and the Beast."
For tickets and more information, please visit the link here.