A night of spooks, scares and sketch comedy awaits audiences at David Massingham's Little Sketch Book of Horrors, a solo sketch show performing at Tasma Terrace during 2019's Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
Following on from his critically-acclaimed 2018 debut show Sketch Me Like One of Your French Girls, Massingham (The Big HOO-HAA!, Impro Melbourne, Murder Village), channels both Vincent Price and Rowan Atkinson as he mixes a touch of classic horror with a big serve of comedy.
As a champion improviser and a Raw Comedy state finalist, Massingham relies on his years of comedy experience as he delivers witty sketch monologues alongside moments of inventive audience interaction. It's all woven together with the aid of an on-stage Sketch Book of Horrors, a tome with visual jokes that will take on a life of its own as the show progresses.
The comedian's solo sketch comedy work in Melbourne has been built on the back of years in Brisbane sketch comedy troupe The Sexy Detectives. In addition to popular and critically successful runs at the 2015 and 2017 Melbourne International Comedy Festivals, The Sexy Detectives were named an Artist's Choice nominee at Wild West Comedy Festival in Perth, became a top five finalist in Comedy Channel's Comedy Gold comp and was featured on ABC TV.
David Massingham's Little Sketch Book of Horrors opens on March 26th and runs 13 nights. Bookings advised.