24 Carrot Productions presents The Sisters; or, Galileo's Penance, an original play based on the true story of Galileo's illegitimate daughters. Confined to a convent at a young age, their interest in science and religion was not considered important on the world stage. But their frustration and confusion, and ultimately their bond, is still relatable today.
The history of science and religion is generally written as stories about men. This play focuses instead on women, women who were often overlooked by both religious and scientific institutions. There is relatively little known about the historical figures of Livia and Virginia (Galileo's illegitimate daughters), but their predicament touches on the ways in which women were - and still are - marginalised in a variety of different ways. Writer and director Sharmini Kumar says, "I wanted to tell a story about family, about people you are stuck with even though they know exactly which buttons to push to irritate you. And I wanted to show their struggle for meaning, for knowledge, in a way that people today could relate to."
24 Carrot Productions was formed by theatre- and film-maker Sharmini Kumar, and has
been producing independent theatre since 2011, including '2 Gentlemen', 'The
Complete Works of Shakespeare', 'The Importance of Being Ernest', 'Shakespeare in
Therapy' and 'The Margins of Persuasion'. These are works that take innovative
approaches to presentation of theatre while remaining accessible and enjoyable
for a variety of audiences.
This production opens on MAY 27 and runs until JUNE 1. Bookings recommended.
Show Details: The Sisters; or, Galileo's Penance
Dates: May 27-June 1, 2019
Time: various
Cost: $25-32
Venue: The Butterfly Club, 5 Carson Place, Melbourne
Tickets: thebutterflyclub.com