After wowing audiences across the globe The Dark Party are set to do their first show on Australian soil in three years at an exclusive show at Ballaarat Mechanics Institute on Dec 15th. Don't miss this rare chance to see it for the first time or bring some friends and relive the magic.."
The Dirty Brothers Sideshow consists of Dirty Shep, Dirty Pat and Dirty Gordo and their show The Dark Party premiered in Melbourne in 2008. Since then it has gone on to be Australia's greatest sideshow export.
The Dark Party is visual gothic theatre at its very best! The Dirty Brothers smash the boundaries of traditional trick based performance and comedic theatre by placing sideshow stunts into emotional theatrical contexts! These stunts become secondary to the artistry, characters and scenarios brought to life through the use of new and old fashioned theatre techniques.
The Dark Party is surreal, sublime and just plain funny. Driven by a powerful soundtrack, not a word is spoken throughout. The whole piece evokes a silent movie about a trio of melancholic, pathetic hobo clowns.
The Dark Party rattles the cage of modern circus and brings sideshow into the world of contemporary theatre. 3 lonely dirty "brothers" meet on an abandoned platform somewhere and embark upon a dark disjointed journey. Lost, disillusioned and mildly amused they stagger through a series of disconnected vignettes where they discover real laughter and true sorrow on their journey through a surreal world in search of The Party. A field of traps, an arctic blizzard, and a tropical island are just some of the places we visit on our journey through the lives of these hopeless broken men.
The Dark Party
Sat 15th December
Ballaarat Mechanics Institute
117 Sturt Street, Ballarat
Tickets : $25 + BF via Try Booking Doors : 7pm
For more information go to :