The Addams Family musical is based on the darkly humorous and Gothic-inspired characters created by US cartoonist Charles Addams, and includes father Gomez and mother Morticia, daughter Wednesday, son Pugsley, uncle Fester and the ever-looming Lurch, with an original story and music.
This show is suitable for children aged 12 years and over.
THE ADDAMS FAMILY MUSICAL will play at the CF Black Auditorium, Camberwell Grammar School Performing Arts Centre, 55 Mont Albert Road, Canterbury - tonight 27th September through Saturday 4th October (see OCPAC website for times). Tickets: $35 adult, $30 concession, $25 children. Bookings: For more information, visit
The Addams Family features book by Marshall Brickman & Rick Elice and music and lyrics by Andrew Lippa. Based on characters created by Charles Addams. The musical is presented by arrangement with ORiGiNTM Theatrical on behalf of Theatrical Rights Worldwide, New York.