From blooming flowers to creeping insects, Mother Nature's four seasons are brought to life on stage by award-winning Dance Company Momix's new production Botanica. After extensive seasons in North America, Europe and Hong Kong, Botanica will be presented exclusively in Australia as part of Arts Centre Melbourne's 2013 Winter season from Wednesday 7 - Sunday 11 August in the State Theatre.
Inspired by the patterns of nature and the science of plants and flowers, Botanica follows the rhythms of the seasons, the changing shape of life on earth and the passing of a day. Set to an eclectic score ranging from birdsong to Vivaldi, nature's changing imagery is revealed through Momix's talented dancers, who embody everything from falling petals to buzzing dragonflies to fossilised dinosaurs. Critically acclaimed for its Cirque du Soleil-esque visuals and inventiveness, Botanica is one of Momix's most successful shows and has two productions touring concurrently world-wide.
One of North America's most in demand dance companies, Momix have been presenting innovative work of physical beauty for over 30 years. Based in Washington, Connecticut, Momix refers to itself as a company of "dancer-illusionists" and has been celebrated for its ability to conjure up a world of surreal images using props, light, shadow, humour and the human body.
Botanica boasts a top notch creative team including artistic director and founder Moses Pendleton, who is heralded as one of America's most widely performed choreographers across stage and screen, associate director Cynthia Mann and designer Michael Curry, a master of puppetry and theatrical engineering who has worked as production designer for Cirque du Soleil, Disney and the Metropolitan Opera as well as for directors Julie Taymor (Broadway's The Lion King) and Robert Lepage (Lyon Opera's Le Rossignol). In the music industry, Curry is also known for designing Madonna's half-time show at the SuperBowl and Britney Spear'sFemme Fatale Tour.
In addition to stage performances world-wide, Momix has worked extensively in film and television including PBS's Dance in America series, appeared on Antenne II in France and RAI in Italy, and recently choreographed a kaleidoscopic commercial for Target. The company received an International Emmy for Best Performing Arts Special for their performance in Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition with Montreal Symphony, and were featured in Imagine, one of the first 3D IMAX films to be distributed world-wide.