Solipsis is the latest effort from the collaborative live art group Spill Collective and will debut at Melbourne's iconic mixed media space fortyfive downstairs from 28 October until 1 November. The team from Spill Collective have crafted a series of moments designed to engage with issues of time, the universal and a subjectivity of consciousness.
Solipsis is a world at the crossroads of life and death; a hole in the fabric of time where anything is possible. Solipsis details a world in which the boundaries between light and dark, love and loss, pleasure and pain have broKen Down to reveal what lies beyond our everyday perceptions and lands us in the void of the real. Five separate lives are connected in a single moment of psychosis in which they must navigate the thin line of existence. For these characters, as well the audience, it is a physically punishing journey.
Solipsis is a hybrid of mediums including performance, live music from four emerging musicians, photography, film and installation. An experiential feast for the senses, evolving over five nights.
For more information about Spill Collective's Solipsis and the artists involved please visit
Wed 28 Oct 09 to Sun 1 Nov 09
times:8pm, duration one hour
ticket price:$23 full
$15 concession
Door sales are cash only. We cannot guarentee there will be door sales on any given night.
The bar and box office will open half an hour before the show.
book online