Santa's Magical Kingdom, in collaboration with Santa Claus's North Pole Corporation, has signed an exclusive deal to once again bring all the magic of Christmas to Melbourne from 21 November and for the first time to Sydney from 12 December
After 3 sell-out seasons, Santa's Magical Kingdom will return to Melbourne and for the very first time bring it's magic to Sydney.
Visited by thousands of people from all around Australia, Santa's Magical Kingdom is fast becoming a must-see Christmas tradition for many families and this year Sydney families will be treated to the event which has captured the imagination of people all over Victoria.
Bringing all the wonder and joy of a traditional Festive season, this interactive walk-through is an enchanting experience that includes everything that you love about Christmas. Get ready to be amazed as you see the magic of Christmas come to life.
Santa's Magical Kingdom will deliver a Christmas wonderland full of activities that will capture the imagination of children & parents everywhere.
Both the Melbourne and Sydney event will include:
Date: 21 November 2015 - 23 December 2015
Venue Caulfield Rate Course - Entry Gate 21
Station Street, Caulfield
Tickets 1300 307 740 or
Date: 12 December to 24 December
Venue: Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park,
Halls 2 & 3 - next to the Dome
Tickets 1300 3Santa (72682) or
About Santa's Magical Kingdom
Santa's Magical Kingdom is jointly owned and operated by several of Australia's most prominent entertainment industry providers.
With more than 70 years combined industry experience the team behind Santa's Magical Kingdom have worked with a wide variety of major worldwide brands including DreamWorks, Warner Bros, DC Comics, 20th Century Fox and BBC Worldwide.