The 10th Sydney Intentional Piano Competition of Australia (SIPCA) commences next week and music enthusiasts can follow the action as all stages of the competition will be broadcast live on ABC Classic FM from Wednesday 4 to Saturday 21 July.
Full program details are available at visit
The winner of SIPCA 2012 will be announced at the Sydney Opera House on Saturday 21 July. Perth audience’s will have the opportunity to hear the latest sensation in the music world only days later on Monday 30 July, 7.30pm at Australia’s finest acoustic venue Perth Concert Hall.
SIPCA 2012 is one of the world’s most prestigious competitions for up-and-coming young pianists aged between 17 and 30 years. First presented in 1977 and held every four years, globally the competition attracts more applicants than any other piano competition. Thirty six pianists have been selected, with former participants and winners ranked among the world’s most accomplished and sought after artists both individually and as soloists with orchestras. The Judge’s Winner is presented with prize money, a recording contract and a celebratory national and international recital concert tour.
This year there are six Australian candidates, up from five in 2008.
Gales of applause elicited encores in which Konstantin Shamray, multiple award-winner of the 2008 Sydney International Piano Competition, hands moved up and down the keyboard as casually as if dusting the furniture. Neville Cohn, West Australian
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